Short devotions: powerof the tongue

Short devotions: powerof the tongue

Posted on January 7, 2009 Updated on January 6, 2009


James 3 vs 5

One day a woman came to her Pastor with a troubles conscience. She has ‘sliced and diced’ just about everybody in the church. ‘How can I make things right?’ she asked. He said, ‘Take a box of feathers and drop one on the doorstep of each person you ve’ criticized.”

After doing so she came back and said, ‘Is that all?’ ‘No’, he said, “now go, pick up them all up and bring them back to me’.

A week or so later, the woman returned without a single one: ‘The wind blew them all away’ she said. After a long silence the Pastor said, ‘That’s how it is with words, they’re easily spoken, but you can never take them back again.

‘Are you a gossip? Mend your ways!

Also read: Numbers 27-29; Mark 11: 1-11, Psalm 57, Pro. 11 vs14
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