The Privileged Life: Bees

IMG_8931The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Psalm 19:9-10

There are few things in life more wonderful than sourwood honey…unless maybe it’s blackberry honey. The raw honey produced around here has a deep amber color and rich, tangy flavor. The bees around here do good work!

Bees are such fascinating little creatures anyway, with their colony life, hierarchy of tasks, and industrious DNA—they’re pre-programmed by God to work together. The fruit of their labor is so sweet!

We could learn a lot from these productive little critters about working together, especially in the church, Christ’s body of believers. Most bees have a servant task to do—building and nourishing the hive for growth and future generations—and they report to a higher authority.

As Christians, we serve Christ by serving each other, living in harmony and humility, and striving for unity in our mission—to build, grow, and nourish His kingdom here on earth. When we look entirely to Him for our purpose in life, the fruit of our labors is sweet!

Thank You, Jesus, for making our lives purposeful and effective as we serve You. Grant us Your favor…bless our efforts, and help us to be content in our roles, even if we never see the full effects of our labors. May we trust You more and more with our mission work, to make it like the sweetness of honeycomb. In Your name, Amen.

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