Was The Creation Of Woman An Afterthought Of God? - Impacting Righteously

Crazy question, right? It is yet another idea that devalues women. I have heard some strange teachings. I touched on this topic before in Spiritual Abuse Shaped Me, and God’s Holy Word Healed Me. There are lies that have been taught, and are being taught. What if some unfortunate girls or ladies believes this lie, like I used to?

In this post, I am going to present the truth found in God’s word. It is worth it to clear up misunderstanding on this topic. Even if there is one hurting girl or woman out there thinking women are secondary to men in the sight of God, and were created as afterthoughts, this post, is worth writing.

I was told this about the origin of women:

• The woman is a by-product of the man.

• The woman was not in the “original” creation.

• The woman is an afterthought.

The woman is not a by-product! According to dictionary.com, a by-product is “a secondary or incidental product, as in a process of manufacture; the result of another action, often unforseen or unintended.”

The woman as a secondary creation, being the result of an afterthought is a false conclusion. The implication that the woman was not planned for ahead of time, but was an incidental creation was painful for me. It made me feel less than, and was one of multiple reasons I used to believe that women were second class citizens of the Kingdom.

I thought God preferred men and wanted Adam, but only created Eve when he realized that Adam needed a woman.

The reason I thought this way is because I was Biblically illiterate. False teachers did not bother explaining to me that God knows everything from the beginning. He planned everything before He even created anyone or anything.

They failed to explain that the female was created in spirit the same day as the male on the 6th day (Genesis 1: 26-27), but got her physical form after he got his physical form (Genesis 2: 7; Genesis 2: 22).

At the time I heard the false teachings, I was quite young and biblically illiterate. Consequently, I reluctantly went along with the ideology. However, it did not sit well with me. Some of the false teachers may have simply been ignorant. It is possible that others intentionally twisted the word of God for their own agenda.

1) Did God create ONLY Adam on the 6th day?

2) Did God create Eve as an afterthought after a light bulb moment of recognizing Adam wanted and needed her?

3) Is the woman ONLY a rib?

Let’s look at what the Bible says to find out:

God created THEM on the 6th day.

“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he THEM.

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” Genesis 1: 26-28.

The Bible clearly talks about THEM being created, THEM having dominion. It is not singular. Both male and female are described as being created on the 6th day. The female was there from the 6th day, same day the male came into existence.

• As the Bible clearly tells us, they were created in the same day:

This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called THEIR name Adam, IN THE DAY when THEY were created.” Genesis 5: 1-2.

• We can see that they– both male and female- were created in spirit on the 6th day. Their name was Adam.

• Genesis 2: 5 says that there was not a man to till the ground.

• Later, God formed man from the dust, giving him a physical body.

• At this point, the female who was also already created, does not yet have her own physical body.

Adam got his physical body first. In contrast, the female spirit did not yet have a physical, separate body. Genesis 2: 7-8:

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.”

Now, Adam has a physical body. God formed him from the dust and put him to work in the garden.

“And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” Genesis 2: 18

Adam was working for the Lord, but was missing a helpmeet. He was about to get her. The female spirit, already created in the image of God and in existence since the 6th day of creation, was about to get her own body!

Genesis 2: 20-22: “And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.

And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.”

Now, there was a WOMAN.

In the beginning, when creating mankind, did God create only Adam? For sure, He did! He created them and blessed them and called THEIR name Adam in the day they were created. Genesis 5: 1-2.

Both the male and the female are indicated here. Their name was Adam. The separation of the woman from the man came later in Genesis 2: 21-22. It is beautiful!

Is the woman an afterthought of God?

No. God knows all things from the beginning. He knew He would create a woman all along. Before Adam was formed from dust, his and her spirits were already there from the 6th day. She received a physical body after the man received his.

The woman is CLEARLY NOT an afterthought. Male and female were both created in the image of God on the 6th day. They existed in spirit form. God named them (plural) Adam in the day they were created (Genesis 5: 1-2).

God put Adam to work for an unknown duration of time before forming another physical body, making the woman.

Adam was first formed physically and put to work. This shows the difference in responsibilities and roles that the man and woman had. However, this is not a difference in value, worth, or importance. It is not about Eve being an afterthought. It is about role and responsibility.

• Is the woman just a rib? No, friends. Male and female spirits were created on the same day, the 6th day. Genesis 1: 26-27. Again, both male and female are in the original creation.

We are spirit beings. Adam and Eve were the first ones out of the creation.

The woman is not only a rib in the same regard that a man is not only dust. There is a spirit being there. If God can create a man’s physical form from the dust, he can create a woman’s physical form from the rib also.

The heavens earth, and ALL the host of them were finished at the 6th day. Genesis 2: 1-2. God named them Adam in the day they were created. Genesis 5: 1-2. They had no bodies at that time.

Their spirits later resided within a body of flesh while on earth. Man’s physical form is from dust. His and her spirits resided in an earthly “vehicle.” after God formed them.

God took a rib off of the first physical dust-made form from Adam. Later, He made another physical dust-made form for the female, and formed a woman.

God is the one who guided Adam and accomplished His will through Adam before the fall. There was no sin yet, so Adam was in absolute obedience to God and named his wife Eve accordingly. Earlier, and in like fashion, he named the animals. Adam did not do his own thing, but took action based on God’s will.

Again, the woman is not only a rib.

– The male and female spirits are created in the image of God. Therefore, that is their true existence. The flesh is dust, will decay, and go back to dust after the spirits move on into eternity.

-After the fall, men and women continue to rebel against God.

– Some men became so insecure and hostile toward women, that they fabricated things to make women feel diminished. Some teach false doctrine. They oppress and abuse women. However, women have not been innocent or perfect either.

• I praise God for the beauty of His work and His word.

• I thank God for Jesus Christ, who died for our sins, was buried, and resurrected by the power of God.

• God’s truth liberates, heals and restores.

• For some, these facts about the man and woman’s creation will be elementary. Yet, some people have not been truthful about them.

• I know there are false teachers and people out there teaching people who may not know better.

For anyone who has confusion about the origin and status of women, I pray this helps clear it up for you. I suggest to always study the Bible for ourselves and pray for the Holy Spirit to give us understanding.

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