Whatever Today Brings — Broken & Hopeful

Whatever today brings. Whether it be the same old thing again or a new chapter you never wanted to begin. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. If you are looking at the same battle you’ve fought a thousand times in a thousand ways with no energy left to fight. Or if you are approaching a new life that’s scary and you don’t know what it will bring. Jesus is the Way ahead. He is the Truth that calls through the strangling lies. He is the Life, bringing hope for the way ahead when there doesn’t seem to be any left.

He picks you up when you make that mistake yet again. He calls to you when you feel left out and cast out—reminding you of who you are to Him. He is the wisdom you need to say impossible words. He is the courage to step out bravely and do something you never thought you could. He is the strength to keep going when all your own strength has left.

He is the focus you need to get you through the hard days of doing hard things. He is the peace that envelops the house around you that seems lost to drama and craziness. He is the patience to deal with the small ones or the old ones or the ones you test you the most in this time.

He is the Bread of Life who sustains you when it seems that provision is impossible and improbable. He is the calmer of the storms that rage around you. He is the One who is faithful even when you are faithless.

He calls out to the fatherless, reminding you that He is Father in a way you don’t understand but crave to know. He calls out to the widows and widowers, whether made so by death or betrayal, telling you that He will never leave or forsake you and you can count on Him. He finds the lonely and the brokenhearted, seeking them through the darkness in which they have hidden themselves, calling them to a Love that moves so deep and firm they can find rest and healing for their souls.

He comes to those in situations that seem impossible, for nothing is impossible with God. He stands by those in circumstances in which the world writes them off, pulling them close and reminding them that He isn’t limited to what the world thinks or believes and to get read for an incredible thing that He is doing.

He speaks love, truth, wisdom, patience, strength, and focus through His Life, found in each of us who have called Him our Lord, recognizing our need of His salvation in the midst of our lack. He will be enough when you can’t. He will provide what you need when you have no more. He will be the Life flowing through you for everything that comes your way.

So, I will wait quietly before Him, resting and seeking expectantly for His love to bloom into something that I may never have imagined but only hoped.

Not one promise from God is empty of power. Nothing is impossible with God! Luke 1:37

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