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    Unlimited: When Will All This Happen? | Good News Unlimited

    Jesus shocked his disciples by telling them that the magnificent temple would be destroyed. So, the disciples asked him the next logical question. They wanted to know when. Jesus and his disciples sat on the Mount of Olives. The majesty and glory of the temple was arrayed before them. It was this very temple whose destruction Jesus had just prophesied. This was an astonishing thing for his disciples. As a result, when they had the chance in private, they asked Jesus when these things could happen. Jesus was not only a prophet he was the greatest of all the prophets. He is, indeed, the source of prophecy itself. As he looked across to the temple, his gaze spanned not just the decades, but all the ages until the end to time, as he tried to prepare his followers for what was to come.

    2 min readDevotionalJesus Christ Prophecy