Bible on Daniel in the Lions den

Bible on Daniel in the Lions den

Posted on June 23, 2012 Updated on June 21, 2012

God is the Deliverer-2

Our reference text is Daniel chapter 6, which narrates the story of Daniel’s deliverance from the Lion’s den- a miracle that defies all scientific, rational or human logic. Daniel was a victim of high-level conspiracy by some of his colleagues who set a trap for him as a punishment for his uncompromising righteousness, faithfulness, dedication, and godliness.

I read the story again yesterday; I decided to write a second message on this theme of God being the Ultimate deliverer. The Holy Spirit ministered several new things to me, which I did not mention in my earlier exhortation on this topic.

First, is the fact that King Darius who was unwittingly led by his advisers into signing a decree that no man should pray to any God or man except him(Darius), was not able to save Daniel from being punished for running foul of the decree. The Bible says in Daniel 6:14: The King ‘set his heart on Daniel to deliver him: and he laboured till the going down on the sun to deliver him”.

The King must have indulged in several consultations, meetings, lobbying and pleas with his advisers to see how the Decree could be waived in order to save Daniel. The Bible further says, even after the going down of the sun, the King spends the night fasting. The Bible says the King laboured and I imagined the stress and efforts the King made to save Daniel that day.

For those 24 hours the blood pressure of the King might have risen considerably. Many people are in similar situation today. You may presently be in a position in which you are being persecuted unjustly, and those you thought are highly placed have laboured to no avail to set you free. I have good news for you, you help cometh not from man but from God.

Most times we trust in men rather that God. We trust in highly placed friends or associate rather that God the ruler of all things. We subject ourselves to unnecessarily and pain rather than crying to God. If the King had a relationship with God the way Daniel had, he would not have subjected to the stress and torture in those 24 hours of crisis.

During the day, the King laboured and at night he could not sleep. Interestingly, even Daniel who was about too is throw into the Lion’s den was not the least troubled. As I said earlier, the King could have possibly developed high blood pressure culminating into stroke as a result of his emotional distress. Daniel would have been eventually saved and the sympathizing King could have died.

The Bible says by our strength we cannot prevail. So the overall lesson is that we must trust and believe in God even at moments of crisis. Daniel believe God and he went to Lions den in peace and came back hale and hearty

If Daniel had not believe God, even the shock of being thrown into the Lion’s den would have killed before the Lions laid their fangs on him. But even the Lion must have seen the confidence radiating in him and declare him untouchable because he was the son of the Lion of the tribe of Judah.

You cannot not trust God if you have not known him, so the first step in saving yourself from the tensions of life is accepting him that is capable of overcoming all crises. Jesus is the Prince of Peace, accept him today and let his peace rule in your life. Say this simple prayer:

Father, in the name of Jesus Christ. I acknowledge that I am a sinner and have fallen short of your glory. I genuinely repent from all my sins and pledge to go and sin no more. I accept your plan to reconcile mankind to you through Jesus Christ, who you sent in your name.

I believe Jesus Christ is the Messiah, and died on the Cross to pay the penalty for my sins and redeem me. I accept Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. I pray that His blood washes my sins away. I invite the Holy Spirit to rule my Life and give me peace. I am born again in Jesus name.

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Babatope Babalobi

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