Bible in 365 Days – Day 78

DAY 78.png

Focus Chapters:

  • Deuteronomy 26-28
  • Deuteronomy 29:1

Standout Verse(s):

Deuteronomy 26:6-9 NLT

When the Egyptians oppressed and humiliated us by making us their slaves, we cried out to the Lord, the God of our ancestors. He heard our cries and saw our hardship, toil, and oppression. So the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a strong hand and powerful arm, with overwhelming terror, and with miraculous signs and wonders. He brought us to this place and gave us this land flowing with milk and honey!

Observation (s):

  1. The Israelites cried out to the Lord, the God of their ancestors, in their moment of oppression and humiliation.

    When the Egyptians oppressed and humiliated us by making us their slaves, we cried out to the Lord, the God of our ancestors.

  2. God heard the cry of the Israelites, saw their state and intervened. His intervention included demonstrating who He was, removing the Israelites from the state that they were in and placing them in a better location.

    He heard our cries and saw our hardship, toil, and oppression. So the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a strong hand and powerful arm, with overwhelming terror, and with miraculous signs and wonders. He brought us to this place and gave us this land flowing with milk and honey!


The relationship status feature on Facebook allows persons to publicly declared their close connection to individuals that are critical to their lives. Through that feature (if people choose to use it), you are able to see all the members of a family. The message is clear, these connected individuals are owned and have a relationship that goes beyond friendship, acquaintanceship, fans or followers.

The Israelites called on the God of their ancestors because they did not yet have a personal experience or connection with God. They had only heard of Him. While God heard their cries for intercession, saw their distress and intervened, He also, gave them a personal experience of who He is by demonstrating His strong and powerful arm and His miraculous nature. Through that experience, His relationship status changed to the God of the Israelites who guided His people to a land flowing with milk and honey!

It is quite interesting to hear when long-standing Christians pray and call God: Daniel’s God, the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, etc. Is it that the only experience you have with God is through the experiences of persons in the Bible or your ancestors? Does this mean you don’t consider God, your God? If no, it is time you start owning Him privately and publicly! On the other hand, if you said yes and you are one of the persons who only know God through your ancestors, it is time for you to have a personal experience with Him. He eagerly awaits that upgrade in relationship status because He is proud to be your God.

P.S.: Personally, I love the ring that Chañel‘s God has to it. 🙂

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May the Peace of God go with you!


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I am a dynamic young lady who loves the Lord and seek to have a joy that no one can take away. My all-time favourite thing to do is gaining discoveries by design from My Father during our time each day. Reading, learning and trying new things falls behind in a close second place. My dream is to use my God-given talents to positively impact as many people as possible. As a proud Wolmerian, with a zest for life, I adhere to the “Age Quod Agis” motto in that whatsoever I do, I always do it to the best of my ability.

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