We Have to Experience Trials to Experience Comfort

Thoughts on 2 Corinthians 1:3-11
(This passage fascinates me. I have been studying it and have so far come up with 14 thoughts. I plan to share them over the next few weeks.)
1.We have to experience trials to experience comfort.
If the sky was never dark, we would never see the stars. To enjoy the beauty of a rainbow, there will be rain and clouds. For flowers to grow, raindrops must fall.
And so it is in life. If we never know any sorrow, we will never experience God's comfort. It is when your child cries, that you comfort them. If they were always happy, they wouldn't need your comfort.
If the three Hebrew boys had never been thrown into the fire, they wouldn't have seen God deliver them. If Daniel hadn't been thrown into the lions, He wouldn't have experienced the angel shutting the lion's mouths. If the disciples hadn't gone through the storm on the lake, they wouldn't have seen God's amazing power over nature.
Don't despair in your dark moments. Look for the stars–God's comfort!

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