November News: Share Four Somethings - Serenity in Suffering

Easing the shock of yet another month all but concluded, I rejoice in a glance back at my November News joining Heather Gerwing as she hosts a monthly feature called, Share Four Somethings, where writers share the fourth Saturday of each month something in each of four categories from the previous month.

The four categories remain the same, something loved, something read or heard, something treasured, and something ahead. The premise delights me, falling right in line with my one word 2021 journey with joy; especially my recent joy lesson learned. Looking back over the previous month through these four categories helps me linger with joy, and ignites my gratitude.

Something loved

The vivid and intense colors of the foliage this autumn truly takes my breath away. This year the gorgeous fall foliage display lingered a bit longer than recent years. In fact, many of the trees in my neighborhood still display their brilliant colors.

close up of red leaves on burning bush in the sun november news share four somethings

Adding to the magnificent pallette of autumn beauty this year, we enjoyed a touch of Indian summer just two weeks ago, blessing us with temperatures in the high 70’s. I can think of nothing more fabulous than a long walk in the sun while enjoying God’s glorious autumn painting, except of course a barefoot scamper through the cool leaves!

something read

My November News Share Four Somethings favorite read is a book I stumbled over while looking for something else by the same author. A friend recommended a new Advent devotional by Sinclair Ferguson; my search led me not only to the book I wanted and purchased, but another one which peaked my interest on the spot.

book cover of Lessons from he Upper room

In “Lessons From the Upper Room”, Sinclair Ferguson invites you to spend an evening with Jesus for His last night with His disciples in “the upper room” before His death. Based on the Gospel of John, chapters 13-17, Ferguson takes the reader deep into the heart of Jesus as He seeks to prepare those closest to Him for His death, speak peace to their troubled hearts and intercede for them in prayer.

My favorite among the gospels, the exposition on these chapters in John’s gospel truly took me deeper into the heart of Jesus in ways I never experienced before. I encountered a truth long missed in Jesus’ washing of the disciples feet that kept me meditating on that passage for days.

something treasured

A visit to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania for the anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg address on November 19, 1863 at the dedication of the soldiers’ National cemetery, truly moved my heart for this month’s something treasured.

photo of the Gettsyburg Hotel

His visit there on that day was little more than an after thought, with Edward Everett as the keynote speaker. Prominent Gettysburg lawyer, David Wills invited President Lincoln simply to share a “few appropriate remarks” on the heels of Everett’s oration which lasted two full hours.

Though Lincoln only spoke for two minutes, the now beloved speech known as the Gettysburg Address is the most memorized speech in the world and the only speech remembered from that historical day.

The most famous words from his speech remain as poignant today as they did then, spoken in the midst of the greatest Civil War this country has ever seen:

personal photo of Gettysburg landmark sculpture of Abraham lincoln

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

President Abraham Lincoln

Walking the steps Lincoln walked upon his arrival through Gettysburg, listening to the rich story of the origin of these “few appropriate remarks” overwhelmed my heart with awe for the brave, yet humble man whose quiet manner spoke some of the most powerful words ever spoken regarding the value of all human life.

something ahead

cose up of advent wreath with cream colored candles

Concluding my November News Share Four Somethings brings me to looking ahead into December. Christmas of course beckons in just over a month with all of the hustle, bustle and special events. I do enjoy the tree lightings, carol sings, lights, decorations and other local events each year. Not to mention my little granddaughter Grace opening her gifts under the tree.

But the one thing I look forward to the most is celebrating Advent. I truly covet my time each week lighting the Advent candle, reding the scripture and pondering Christ’s coming that first Christmas. Lingering with the Lord, preparing my heart and communing in His Presence breathes life into a weary heart.

November news: share four somethings

Thank you for taking a walk back through my November News with me! I am grateful to Heather for creating such a creative way to review the moments of our days which often slip by so quickly. Sharing Four Somethings is a way to savor one more time those things we love, read, treasure and anticipate!

But you don’t have to be a writer or blogger to enjoy this practice. Why not take a few moments and think back over YOUR November News and share four somethings with me in the comments! Meet me back here at the end of December for more joyful somethings

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