
20 Stories
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    Journaling? Or Chronicling?

    By Elizabeth Prata I was at a friend’s house for dinner. There were 3 of us ladies there, 70 something, 60 something, 30’s almost. We got to talking about diaries and journaling. I̵…

    5 min readJournals
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    Journaling as Art

    Late last year, Apple saw fit to release a new iPhone app that suddenly appeared on my screen. Journal is an app that’s intended to help you capture your thoughts, your feelings, and even the…

    3 min readJournalsInspirational
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    The Name You Call Yourself

    I held Harper’s hand as we walked into the restaurant to place our name on the waiting list. Actually, I walked; my 7-year-old grandniece skipped. I gave the hostess the number in our party, expressed the desire for an outside table, and told her yes, crayons, please. Then the hostess asked my name. I replied, “Sharon.” Harper quickly corrected me: “No. Read more...

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    We know that we do not war against flesh and blood, but against spiritual adversaries. We should also realize that the battles we fight are very specific, and only as the Lord directs. Though we all engage at some level in our collective war against the unseen enemy, not everyone is called to fight the same way - or in the same battle. The truth is, not every battle is ours to fight.

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    Three Ways to Overcome the February Motivation Slump

    Hello friends,How's that New Year's Resolution going so far?Are you decidedly less motivated than you were on January 1st?A QUICK STORYMany moons ago, I used to work at a big corporate gym.Every January, like clockwork, all of us "regulars" braced for the influx of all those "New Year's Resolution" folks. Inside the gym, it would look like a freshly-disturbed anthill (people were everywhere) for about three to four weeks.Then magically, when February hit, everything would "go back to normal." Ahhh. That annual phenomenon was so predictable in the gym scene, that we just grit our way through waiting for the equipment we wanted...knowing the crowds wouldn't last forever. IS 2024 BECOMING "GROUNDHOG YEAR​​​​​​"? For most people, each new year is a pop of good-intentions-based action, followed by about 11 months of managing decline. Said differently, only about 8% of people move their health, relationship, or financial life forward in meaningful ways.Ouch.May that not be you. If you already...Feel yourself sliding into old, bad habits.Sense recurring aches and pains are coming back.Feel bothered that you're not living up to your potential.Are resigning yourself to not feel motivated until springtime.Hear yourself saying "I know what to do but can't make myself do it."Let me offer you...THREE WAYS TO OVERCOME THE FEBRUARY SLUMP#1About three years ago, I noticed that the predictable seasonal motivation slump hit our client base. I think it was amplified by covid, but it seemed stronger than usual.So, that year, I wrote an eight-part series on motivation to help people (and ahem, myself) figure out and disarm the common thieves of our mojo.If you're interested, you can find those articles on my blog starting here.#2One of my mentors (Darren Hardy) did a recent post on his top six reasons New Year's resolutions don't last. Do you know the milestones?No measurement - If you can't measure it, you can manage it or adapt.Darren would say "Willpower fails 100% of the time, over time."He'd say that we all need systems to back us up, and guardrails to keep us on track.I wholeheartedly agree.But, based on my time as a coach, I would add one important thing--something that must come before we attempt to install systems and guardrails.We all need time to sit with clarifying questions to help us see a crystal clear and believable vision of who we are trying to become and why we aspire to accomplish that in the first place.Now, you don't have to overthink the answer to those questions, but most people don't give much (or any) thought to the motivational underpinnings of their goals.THAT oversight is what starts the 3-4 week deflation of their tires as soon as they click into gear on January 1st. If you don't do the sober (and ongoing) calculus of the trade-offs (read "hard things") you are (or aren't) willing to go through, you won't have the emotional reserves to see your goal(s) to completion.In other words, you'll join the 92% who "Try again on Monday,"...or Jan 1. #3I'm a coach who helps people when pretty much everything else hasn't worked.Frankly, most people aren't ready for the kind of work I do because they still think there's an easy button or "biohack" somewhere. Here's a little tough love--real change is hard, and finding root causes can be hard, but you know what's harder...constantly disappointing yourself and those you care about. THAT is harder. THAT is a life filled with regrets, and...THAT is a life filled with "I wonder what would have happened if I tried."My friends, that's no way to live. So, how do I help people do hard things?Simple...but not easy.Figure out the upstream blockage that ACTUALLY holds them back.Clarify the trade-offs, habits, and behaviors it will take to move the needle.Help them strategically develop the skills, intuitions, and systems/guardrails to (finally) keep them on track.It's almost like discipleship, mentoring, coaching, and a kick in the pants all in one.Try getting that from your doctor, or motivational speaker.I help people unearth the answers questions they've been missing...and I do it with surgical empathy and a well-seasoned strategic mind.LET'S GET REALThat stupid groundhog always sees his shadow.How about if this year we make him irrelevant?How about if this year you stop waiting for "someday" and instead, figure out what trade-off to make, so you can believably put "someday" on the calendar? To hit big goals, you're going to have to think (a lot), but you're worth it!If you want someone to help you speed up all that thinking, you can check out the coaching I do.If you have a question you can hit reply, or you can even schedule a time to chat. Otherwise, check out the blog series on motivation, or reflect on Darren's list of six.Whatever you do, go take life by the horns in 2024. No more puttering, or overestimating your capacity. You get ONE go at 2024...make it a good one, sans regrets.Until next time, here's to not being someone who dithers,ChristianPS.

    5 min readStressEncouragementJournals