Share Four Somethings— February 2022

Something Loved

This is my spoiled rotten, delightful, and amusing Emotional Support Dog and “child” Little Girl. This photo is when she woke me up at 3:00 in the morning to play ball. She has a habit of waking me by licking my eyeball. Needless to say, we did not play ball at 3:00 am.

Little Girl

Something Gleaned

Two books to share. The first is The Jesus I know by Kathie Lee Gifford. Kathie Lee, a lifelong follower of Jesus, has deep conversations about her faith with anyone keen to listen.

In her book The Jesus, I know she is doing just that. She asks about and listens to friends’ reflections on the Jesus they know. You can read the full review HERE.

The second. At Heavens Door by William J. Peters. In his book, At Heaven’s Door end of life therapist, William J. Peters shares his experiences and examination of SDE, shared death experiences.

As an end-of-life therapist working at a hospice center, he had his own shared death experience while interacting with a patient. He was perplexed and stunned. He began seeking out other people who encountered similar experiences. You can read the full review HERE.

Something Braved

Oh boy, do I have something to tell you. My original website Simply Coffee & Jesus broke. I’m talking zip, bye-bye, gone. I lost all content and over 200 posts. Sooo, after having an ugly cry meltdown, Jesus and I began to rebuild. It took several weeks to make this happen. I am happy to say that Simply Coffee & Jesus (2.0) is now back up and running. You can read the full post about what happened and how it ties in with my One Word 2022— Intentional HERE.

Something Achieved

It’s still a work in progress, but I started to write a book. I will share the progress with you as I go. Sometimes just starting something is half the battle and is indeed an achievement.

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1 {be} Intentional

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