Emmaus Road (podcast)

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Walking with Jesus, and sitting at his table. Two of Luke’s metaphors for sharing life with our Lord.

Here’s a brief podcast in the lead-up to Easter: ten minutes, on the Emmaus Road.

Luke is big on what happens in the everyday with Jesus. So much happens around meals that “In Luke’s Gospel Jesus is either going to a meal, at a meal, or coming from a meal.” (Robert Karris, Eating Your Way through Luke’s Gospel)

The disciples also spent heaps of time walking with Jesus. In Luke 9, Jesus says, “We’re off to Jerusalem,” and they finally arrive ten chapters later (Luke 19). On the journey, they learn so much about discipleship. Maybe discipleship is walking with Jesus.

These times are still the most precious everyday experiences of my life. We share our day with each other as we sit down to a meal in the evening. We talk with each other when we go for walks. It’s the everyday things that count.

Then Luke draws both themes together in his final chapter. This couple were walking home from Passover when someone joined them. They didn’t recognize him until they sat down for a meal.


10 minutes, recorded at Riverview Joondalup 2022-03-27. Be encouraged in your everyday walk with Jesus, enjoying life at his table.

Open Luke 24:13-35.

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