Your children are for signs and wonders

Bible study: 1 Chronicles 8:Your children are for signs and wonders

By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435

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  1. 1 Chronicles 8 is the record of the children of Israel, particularly the children of Benjamin.
  2. Benjamin was one of the children of Israel.
  3. In this chapter, all the children of Benjamin were mentioned.
  4. Verse 39 mentioned the name of one of the descendants named Ulam, and verse 40 says And the sons of Ulam were mighty men of valour.
  5. If you look at all the names mentioned in this chapter, none of them were described this way. This means they were ordinary men.
  6. Only one man brought up mighty men as children and that was Ulam.
  7. May God make your children mighty men and women in Jesus name.
  8. My prayer for you is that your children shall not be ordinary.
  9. Your children shall change the world
  10. Your children shall be established
  11. Your children shall be great.
  12. Your children shall be a reference point for your family and extended family.
  13. The names of your children shall announce your family and your generation.
  14. The names of your children shall be mighty. They shall not be only part of history, but they shall also make history.
  15. Your children shall not only be part of the crowd, but they shall be crowd pullers.

By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435

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