The Opportunity of a Lifetime

Sometimes we look for opportunities and sometimes they look for us. But one thing I know; negativity and the inability to court possibilities, blinds you to the opportunity of a lifetime. Born out of possibility, opportunity comes our way when we, by faith remain open to all God has for us each day.

Our walk in this month of May has moved us beyond “what ifs”, revealed impossibility thinking, and pin-pointed areas of resistance hindering our spiritual growth. All with the intention of reinforcing our faith in the God of possibilities.

Faith embraces possibilities with a passion for serving others, cracking wide open the door to the opportunity of a lifetime.

Welcome to Mindfulness Monday! Where we learn some easy ways to be more present “in the moment” at our jobs, in our homes, with our families and friends. Learning to recognize God and what He has for us in each divine moment He offers. We acknowledge the belief that God is with us always. We confess His presence is available to us, lifting our spirit and helping us with power and grace. Learning to “be still”, so we can hear His voice and view ourselves, others and our surroundings through His eyes.

possibility vs opportunity

Many people use the terms, “possibility” and “opportunity” interchangeably. While similar, an important nuance separates them. When understood, we see the integral part faith plays in experiencing both possibility and opportunity in our lives.

For example, a possibility presents the potential for something to happen. Recently, the possibility of adding more informative classes for new employees at my hospice agency invited discussion.

While possible, more classes may or may not develop.

Opportunity, on the other hand, indicates a specific offer or circumstance available for choice. The discussion on adding more informative classes for new employees yielded an opportunity for me to teach a specific class at a specific time.

The opportunity promised a concrete option for me to accept or decline.

Possibility plants the seed, and when cultivated, yields fruitful opportunity.

various seeds in piles, pots and tools

Possibility represents the positive side of life; when coupled with faith, opportunities for Kingdom work become more available. Too often we not only limit opportunities for ourselves, but we limit God’s work through us, when we fail to entertain the possibilities around us.

For nothing will be impossible with God.

Luke 1:37

faith embraces possibilities

Many of us want to make a difference with our lives and the talents God gave us. We pray for opportunities, maybe even eagerly look for the “opportunity of a lifetime”, yet we remain on a perpetual quest.

I remember praying for an opportunity of using my talents of writing and teaching for God’s Kingdom work. Becoming focused on obtaining a particular opportunity, when the door closed, I felt lost.

While part of the problem included a bit of negativity in my thought processes, the biggest problem became my inability to embrace possibilities. Because I limited my thoughts and ideas, I limited God, and ultimately limited my opportunities.

faith creates opportunity

As God kept placing the idea of a blog ministry before me, my lack of faith interpreted the “possibility” as an impossibility. My idea of an opportunity included options which catered to my expertise; creating a blog fell far outside my comfort zone.

After a while, I began looking at the possibility, only to run for cover once seeing all it involved. But God continued placing the possibility before me until one day I picked it up. Holding it in my prayers, I began seeing it in a different light.

beautiful view out window, from two empty wooden chairs and table between

Faith allows God to transform a possibility into an opportunity for Kingdom work.

Through faith, my perspective shifted from my limited view of possible opportunities for Kingdom work, to God’s view of possible opportunities for me. Faith enabled me to trust God enough with the possibility to then take the step into the opportunity when it arrived.

When you look at the possibilities instead of the problems, the future is filled with endless opportunities.

Zig Ziglar

preparing for the opportunity of a lifetime

Preparing for the opportunity of a lifetime involves exploring possibilities. Not every possibility will become an opportunity, and not every opportunity is for you. But unless you explore the possibilities around you by faith, you cannot expect to find a meaningful opportunity.

Faith-filled possibilites often lead to God-sized opportunities tailor made for you.

woman with long brown hair and straw hat looking through binoculars

As with my desire of using my God given gifts of writing and teaching, my limiting beliefs stunted my possibility exploration, leaving me with few possibilities and zero opportunities. God continued placing possibilities before me, but my lack of faith dismissed most without a second look.

If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.

Mark 9:23

exploring possibilities

Consider these easy ways for shifting limited possibility thinking into a faith fueled perspective.

  • Increase Awareness. Notice your present surroundings, people, and resources. Avoid ruminating over what failed in the past. Consider what is available to you now. Pray for God to increase your awareness of possibilities you may not yet see.
  • Remain Open. Even if you think of a possibility which scares you or seems too hard, stay open. Avoid a dismissive attitude about possibilities God brings to your attention. Bring the most outlandish possibilities to God in prayer; for they often result in the biggest opportunities.
  • Get Curious. Get up close and personal with possibilities; ask questions. Explore how the possibility may look as a reality. Investigate how you can make it happen, or simply obtain more information in general. Ask God for His perspective and more understanding about a particular possibility.
  • Be Brave. Dare to dream big Kingdom dreams. Faith not only takes the first step, it takes big and hard steps. Ask God to free you from limiting beliefs and small ambition. Surrender your will and determine to act on any possibility God turns into an opportunity.

Altering the way you view possibilities around you, strengthens your faith and removes limiting beliefs keeping you from receiving the opportunity of Kingdom work God has ordained for you.

Expect great things from God, Attempt great things for God.

William Carey

embracing the opportunity of a lifetime

People spend their whole lives seeking that one opportunity guaranteed to make all their hardwork worthwhile. An opportunity so huge, which once grasped, will bring ultimate fulfillment.

But truly embracing the opportunity of a lifetime comes, when by faith, you welcome the possibilities God places before you. When you seek awareness of His goodness offered, receive with open hands the gift of possibilities, with joyful curiosity examine all, and bravely step out with faith; then expect the opportunity of a lifetime.

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