7 Common Time Management Mistakes You May be Making

    Ephesians 5:15-16 says, “Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.”  This verse reminds us that wise time management is not a worldly business idea, but a suggestion found in Scripture.

    We’re called to invest in learning about time management. Good time management skills allow us to spend less time working and more time with family, something that should especially be a priority for God-centered mompreneurs.

    Below is a list of seven common time management mistakes that may be preventing you from making the most of your time.

    1. Wasting Time 

    While this may be obvious, it is common. Wasting time happens when you spend far too much time on things that aren’t moving you toward your goals. It’s okay to indulge here and there or enjoy hobbies during times of rest (like during your Sabbath). It isn't wise to spend all your time working without any rest whatsoever.  However, you shouldn’t be spending all night every night binging Netflix shows. It isn't wise to do that either.

    Another time-wasting trap is the endless scrolling on social media. It’s easy to lose track of time when you’re mindlessly scrolling through social media and clicking on articles.

    Take note of how you spend your time, then take steps to get rid of unwanted distractions. Rest is good, but wasting time when you’re supposed to be working will kill your productivity.

    1. Not Learning Time Management Skills 

    You don’t need to be a productivity guru to get the most out of time management skills. Take time to learn some time management skills, especially if you’re prone to procrastination or wasting time. Even if you’re always working, learn methods to work smarter instead of harder. 

    There are lots of resources out there. In addition to my posts on my social media, I often include time management tips in my blog posts because empowering and equipping moms to execute on the necessary actions steps to achieve their goals and purpose is a key component of the work I do.  

    1. Not Being Realistic 

    When managing your time, it’s important to consider what season of life you’re currently in. What are realistic expectations for this season of life? If you’re trying to do too much too quickly, you’ll spend a lot of energy frustrated and trying to chase things that just aren't unattainable in that season. 

    You should still dream. But it’s important to create short-term goals and expectations that can be accomplished during your current season of life.

    1. Not Implementing the Right Systems 

    The right systems will help you get your work done more efficiently. I personally use a planner, batch tasks, break down and outline tasks, and reverse engineer results. These systems have allowed me to leverage my energy to produce greater results. 

    When you take time to outline tasks, you’ll always know what your next step is. There will be days where you just don’t feel like doing anything. On those days, taking things one task at a time can help you manage the time you’re investing in your business.

    1. Working on the Wrong Things

    Being effective is more important than just being efficient. You need to actually be doing the right things to reach your goals. Even though busy work will feel productive, it won’t move you toward your goals if it doesn’t involve the right tasks.

    I recently talked to a woman whose husband works for a tech company. Since he’s been promoted to higher management, he’s required to attend endless meetings. On one particular day, he had meetings every hour, on the hour. At the end of the day, his boss actually asked him why he hadn’t made any progress on his current projects! 

    You run your business, so you get to determine how you spend your time. Make sure that the work you’re doing is moving you toward your goals. Otherwise you’re wasting your time and energy.

    1. Not Working When You’re Tired or Unmotivated 

    You can’t just work when you feel like working. Whether you’re groggy, tired, or unmotivated, you need to work when it’s time to work. Even if you’re stressed or distracted, it’s important to sit down and do the work that’s in front of you. Obviously, this is barring any serious stress or health induced fatigue that you may be experiencing.

    When you have young children at home, you’re probably always exhausted. So as I have mentioned above, it is necessary that you make sure to be realistic when planning out your work. But when you have the opportunity to work, make sure you don’t put it off in favor of other things, or just because you are not feeling up to it.  Feelings are not fact, and shouldn't always dictate our lives and actions. While there are times you may need to override work in favor of much needed rest or play, there are even more times that you may just need to overcome your flesh and its tendencies to be lazy and follow through and do the tasks that you have planned to do, whether or not you feel like it. And yes, I know that may be harsh, but sometimes we do need the harsh truth :).

    1. Lack of Focus 

    Lots of things can cause your lack of focus. If you’re looking at what others are doing instead of focusing on your goals, you won’t have focus. If you’re giving up too quickly or changing course, you won’t have enough focus.

    There are a lot of things to stop doing in order to focus on your goal and outlined tasks. This also includes "procrasti-learning". This happens when you procrastinate by learning new things. When you sit down to work but then get sucked into learning something else in order to help you be even more "ready".  You know, watching that webinar that popped up, listening to that podcast episode someone recommended and signing up for yet another little mini course to learn that one additional thing you need to be ready. You should always learn, but if you’re consuming content instead of creating something of your own, you won’t move any closer to your goals. It is much better to stop consuming all the times and start creating instead.

    Lack of focus may also be masking other issues like lack of confidence or a fear of failure. No matter how you feel inside, it’s important to take real steps forward. Make sure you’re being productive instead of just busy.


    As you read these seven time management mistakes, was there one that stuck out? Take time this week to address that time management mistake. As you tackle these common mistakes, you’ll be better equipped to productively drive your business forward.

    A big part of avoiding the mistakes I have listed above is by being more intentional with and planning your time out properly.  If you’re looking to improve your time management skills and also keeping making progress on building your Kingdom-driven business and a happy home, my FREE daily planner is for you! Find out more and sign up to download the planner here.

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