A Fragile Nation - Jewell Utt

    Edmund Burke once wrote, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”  

    Our nation is in a fragile position morally, financially and judicially. So often we stand around watching as things spiral out of control, rather than step in, speak up or take a stand. The country, who once based laws on biblical principles, is now tossing God and the Bible out of all things. But when crisis strikes, it’s not long before you hear…Where was God?

    It’s almost worth being in the midst of difficulty, if eyes and hearts turn back to Him. Over the past fifty years, there’s been a significant shift in cultural and political ideals. Corruption has taken over our boundaries and a nation that welcomed all is now closing borders. Paul discovered through weakness the fullness of God’s power. The solution to our economy, moral decay and internal emptiness is to recognize God as the only real refuge we have.

    Government is not the answer to our social decline. God is. When man stands for nothing, much can happen.

    God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

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