A Generous Gift - Jewell Utt

    Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. 1Timothy 6:18

    Grocery shopping is an adventure I can do without. I feel like a hunter gathering in the jungles of our community. My complaints range from rude people crashing into me, to carts parked in the middle of aisles, to neighbors sharing their weekly news … all of it. I’m not an unfriendly person, but there’s a task to accomplish and the ice cream is melting. I smile, add a quick word of encouragement, and I’m off … only to run into the next neighbor. It gets tiring.

    The following week I venture into a grocery far away. Task complete, I pull into the nearest checkout counter. The manager waves me into an express line, my cart chock full, I hesitate, but dutifully obey. I’m pleased at the efficient trip.

    A man lines up behind me. He looks down at my cart and up at the sign. “Can’t you count?”

    “The manager moved me here,” I said.

    Again, he looked down at my cart, and up at the sign. “Jerk,” he exclaims, then marches off to another checkout line.

    I was so surprised a man of his generation would act that way to a young woman–proving the grocery store is indeed a jungle.

    My attention was drawn to a commotion at the next register. A man in line had no money to pay, and the clerk was not happy. She flipped on her light and impatiently began banging her bell. The woman behind him leaned over and offered to pay his bill. It was nearly $100. Her kindness saved him from further embarrassment.

    When I contrast the grumpy man to the generous woman, I realize we can reflect Christ in all circumstances. Timothy reminds us to be rich in good deeds, generous and willing to share. That’s what Jesus did. That’s what He commands us to do.

    Time is a resource we can share as well as money. I was glad I didn’t respond to the rude man. And now, I see my grocery trips as a rich opportunity to store up treasures in heaven.

    May your riches be used wisely as you navigate the jungles of life.

    Originally published by www.christiandevotions.us

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