A Light For Thee

The Lord has said, "Go ye…", and how I gladly will;

Even to the end of the world, He'll be with me still.    (Mt. 28:19-20)
How great a harvest, O, how white; but labourers are few;
What an honour is mine, O Lord–a labourer for You.   (Lk. 10:2)
Send me forth with precious seed, even in tears to sow;
Sowing seeds of Jesus Christ, to reap one day in joy, I know.   (Ps. 126:5-6)
The life I live is Thine; a living sacrifice for You,
By all of Thy good mercies, my reasonable service which I must do.   (Rom. 12:1)
The world and all it's sinful offers, I push it all away,
Transform me to do Thy will, and very near Thee stay.    (Rom 12:2)
Thou camest to bear my sins in Thine own body on the tree,
I'm dead to sin; alive to righteousness, for Thou hast healed me.   (1 Pet. 2:24)
Help me lay aside the weight of sin; in this race with patience run,
Looking unto Jesus my Saviour, until my life is done.    (Heb. 12:1-2)
Lord, shine Thy glorious light brightly through me,
That men would glorify Thy name, when it is Christ in me that they they see.    (Mt. 5:16)

    ~by Lisa Colliehole
       (Waitara, NZ)

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