Advent Rediscovered by Southern Baptists

    A friend surprised me tonight by emailing me a link to the following Baptist Press article and asking if I knew I was quoted in the article on Advent.  I did not know, but it is a good article about how Southern Baptists are rediscovering the beauty of the Advent season.

    "Late preaching professor Calvin Miller once quipped to Christianity Today that many Southern Baptist churches 'probably could hardly spell Advent' in the early 1990s.

    Not so anymore.

    LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention has published Advent devotional books and includes tips for observing Advent in at least two holiday magazines this year. North Carolina's Biblical Recorder newsjournal commends Advent to its readers, offering them a list of Advent resources. And Southern Baptist congregations across America light Advent candles weekly -- many of them purchased from LifeWay."

    Read the entire article by David Roach here.

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