All In

    Would it make sense to mix together all the ingredients for a cake but never put it in the oven? Or, how about planting a huge garden and caring for it daily, but never picking any of its produce? Wouldn’t it be odd to buy a boat, but never put it in water?

    These things all sound pretty absurd don’t they? But, we as Christians often do the same thing. Have you known of those who have given their hearts to Christ, but cease to seek His will or follow Him in His plans for their lives? I think we can all think of someone who has done that, and we may even be guilty of it ourselves.

    We can’t just stop at salvation. That’s where our journey begins. God has given so many gifts to His children, and we would be missing out on so much if we stopped short. This is why I often emphasize being baptized in the Holy Spirit evidenced by speaking in tongues. We need the empowerment, and boldness the Holy Spirit brings to our lives. He also opens the door to other Spiritual gifts in our lives.

    Today more than ever we need His power and boldness to do all God has called us to do. And, we need every Spiritual gift God is willing to give us to minister to the needs of others. My life has been significantly changed and enriched by the Holy Spirit.

    I remember what my life was like before I answered God’s call, and He set me apart to do the things He called me to do. I thought I was happy going through the motions—church on Sunday, church on Wednesday and little interaction with God in the space between—except for when I needed or wanted something.

    I was more caught up in earthly things than the purpose God had handcrafted for my life. But, when I decided to surrender everything to God and allow Him to take absolute control, things changed. I didn’t view life through the same lens.
    Its like the old chorus we used to sing:

    Turn your eyes upon Jesus
    Look full into His wonderful face
    And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
    In the light of His mercy and grace

    When we decide to go ALL IN for Jesus, the things of this world have less impact on us. We are aware of God’s goodness, His mercy, and His power. The cares of this life fall to the wayside when we realize He is a Good Father, and His plans for us are GOOD, and exciting!

    We don’t have to fear bad reports. We can rest in knowing that whatever comes, we are in His hands, and in His care. 

    When we go all in, we begin to see Him move in our lives and in our situations. The miraculous comes near. The truth rises up within us, and we can easily accept that the same power that raised Christ from the dead LIVES IN US. The Words of the Bible take hold in a powerful way, and we start to believe we can really DO what God says we can do.

    There is nothing on earth more exciting, fulfilling, and miraculous than walking in the complete will of God. Life becomes so amazing that we can’t wait for each new day to see what Jesus is going to do next. It is such an adventure. But until we are willing to go ALL IN, we will miss the exciting adventures God has planned for us.

    Are you living all in for Jesus today? If not, what’s holding you back? I encourage you to surrender all to Him and seek Him like never before. Your life will be so much more worth living!

    The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” (John 10:10 NLT)

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