Am I listening? — iWork4Him

Have you ever noticed how certain words or themes show up over and over again during particular seasons of life?  You hear them in a song, on a podcast, or a meme on social media.  Well, a couple of different words keep surfacing for me lately, would you like to hear more about them?  You’ve probably been hearing these words too – I just feel like they’ve been in bold font so I would notice them. 

One is faith and trust.  You may think these are both nice words and probably interchangeable, but let’s look a little deeper and see why God might be pointing me to these words right now. 

“God, I have faith in you for this situation in my life.” Or

“God, I trust you for this situation in my life.”

Trust is a more active word than faith and I need to pay attention to it, to decide to act.  I have faith that the chair will hold me, but I don’t show that I trust the chair until I sit in it.  In this season of uncertainty I have faith in God my Savior, but daily I need to trust Him for the many unknowns, will you join me?  Here’s a past iWork4Him episode that really helped me to put this into perspective and I hope it will help you, too. 

Another theme that keeps popping up is the idea of being self-reliant.  I spend much of my time working in my strength, forgetting that God has something so much better for me if I would rely on Him instead of myself.  When we’ve been hurt or disappointed by other people, it’s easy to decide to rely on ourselves to get things done.  May my daily prayer include relying on the God of the Universe for strength and daily direction.  My church has a playlist on Spotify and many of the songs that minister to me circle around the idea of surrendering things to God and letting Him take control.  You might find some songs there that will help you today.  Here’s a recent episode of iWork4Him PowerPod that really deals with doing things in our own strength or turning them over to God. 

What words has God been planting around you recently?  Are you listening?  Are you asking WHY you keep hearing stories about a certain character trait or theme?  Ask God to show you what He’s trying to teach you and then listen, really listen and learn. 

Check out Isaiah 30:21 today

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