An Election Day Prayer

     This week, I felt that it was important to pray for our congregation and our nation in light of the upcoming election. Regardless of how you're voting—if you're voting at all—I think this prayer could be as beneficial to your soul as much as it was to mine. It's not often that I pray written prayers during corporate worship, but I benefited from slowing down, thinking through the implications of this election in light of 1 Peter 2:13-17, and writing out my heart. 

    You may benefit from just reading the prayer. You may also benefit from praying through the prayer directly. Personally, I think reading through the prayer and stopping to pray in light of what I prayed can help personalize the prayer even more for you. Either way, I hope this prayer is a blessing as we approach the 2024 election.

    Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 2:13-17 (ESV)
    13 Be subject for the Lord's sake to every human institution,[a] whether it be to the emperor[b] as supreme, 14 or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. 15 For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. 16 Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants[c] of God. 17 Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.


    Heavenly Father,

    We come to You humbly and in awe of Your power. When we look out at creation, we see Your divine power as the ruler and creator of the whole universe. We see Your upholding hand that keeps the earth spinning while maintaining the right distance from the sun. We see the signs and seasons you’ve created as reminders that though the seasons come and go, You have given order to Your creation.

    Lord, we pray this morning that You would prepare our hearts for the upcoming election. Every four years, we vote for the supreme human leader of our nation. We know that You are our highest authority, and yet You have called us to be subject, for Christ’s sake, to every human institution. As much as we are able, without abandoning Your righteousness, help us to truly be subject to our governing authorities.

    You have put them here to punish those who do evil and praise those who do good. Help them to do that with justice and righteousness. Bring our government leaders into Your glorious family and save their souls so they can lead from Christlike hearts. But even if they reject the gospel, guide their hearts like a stream of water in Your hands. As the Lord of all, convict and steer them by Your mighty hand even when they don’t want to follow You.

    It is Your will that Your people silence foolish people by our good deeds and godly living. By the power of Your Holy Spirit and through the gospel, lead us in those good works. Let our actions and words reflect the righteousness of Christ rather than the recklessness of this current cultural moment. Don’t let us get wrapped up in the bondage of cultural and political agendas. We are free people. Help us to live in that freedom and not use our freedom as a cover-up for evil.

    Holy Father, train our hearts to live as Your servants. Like Paul, let us find our identity as true servants of God rather than slaves of men and their agendas. Don’t let us be pawns caught in a game of political chess. We know that no earthly kingdom will ultimately stand. Even the greatest kingdoms have risen and fallen. Let us never forget that! Help us to honor everyone, love the brotherhood, fear God, and honor our president-elect—whoever that may be.

    Help us keep our eyes on Christ in this election. Four years won’t come close to comparing to the eternity set before us. Help us to remember that, Lord! Thank You for Your grace and mercy. May we behold and reflect the glory of Christ in this election season.

    It’s in the name of Jesus Christ that we pray. Amen.

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