Are You Walking in the Light? - Serenity in Suffering

While autumn delights me in many ways, one particular change ushered in by the autumnal equinox troubles me. Along with the shift toward chillier temperatures, the incremental shortening of daylight hours robs me of the positivity of sunlight. Instead of evenings walking in the light of a slightly fading sun, my walks encompass the dimness of autumn dusk.

Joining my good friend Lisa Burgess for her Touch the Light challenge, pondering and memorizing 1 John 1 as well as reading companion passages in the Gospel of John, has me walking in the Light seeking a greater understanding of God’s Light in my life.

walking in the light

butterfly on thistle at dusk walking in the light

Delving into the Light verses Darkness comparision a few weeks ago, John 1:1-5 reminded me, Jesus, the Light stepped into a world darkened by sin, brokenness and evil; in Him was life, and that life was the Light of all mankind. Jesus brought Hope as a Light that defeats darkness.

Sitting with John 8:12 recently comforted me with Christ’s promised Light as I followed Him, walking in His Light; no darkness able to obscure my way.

As a result of walking in the Light, seeing the truth of an exposed reality inclines my heart toward godly desires, following the true Light of Life. In 1 John 1:5, John bears witness that God is Light and in Him is no darkness at all.

When God the Father commands the Light of Christ to shine in your heart illuminating every corner with the glory of Christ, (2 Corinthians 4:6) He delivers you from the darkness of sin and all obtsacles to the fullness of joy. Instead capturing your desires with His surpassing worth over all the world offers, to walk in the Light as He is in the Light.

walking in the darkness

Conversely, walking in the darkness signifies little to no desire for the things of God due to the blindness so intrinsic to darkness.

Blind to God’s Light, those who walk in darkness cling to a deception.

At times we all fall prey to the deception of the darkness; like the man lost in pride who feels a warm furry object with one hand and a cold sharp edge with the other in the dark. He chooses clinging to the warm furry object, believing the security it portends.

But when the Light shines forth he looks on in horror at the devouring beast he chose at his side, while Christ looks on, sword at the ready for deliverance. Darkness blinds you to the truth and the true way, leading you into danger, trusting in your own wisdom and the world’s deceptions.

forest at night, walking in the light

walking in the light reveals joy and hope

As with the example above, shining Light into a dark room reveals all the hidden dangers or deceptions. The quality of light is positive, revealing, truthful. Jesus as God’s Light illumines sin in our lives, the temptations and snares of the evil one, and pitfalls of pride otherwise hidden.

In the dark nothing appears in its true form; the Light exposes the threats of darkness, offering freedom from fear, resulting in joy and hope for the future.

God is Light and in Him is no darkness at all; no hidden agenda, no disappointments, only purity of forgiveness, acceptance, eternal joy and fellowship with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.

following the light we have life

In John 8:12, Jesus makes a remarkable statement; “I am the Light of the World, whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but have the Light of life.

Following Jesus as the Light, you have Him: as your Shepherd, Savior, Light in darkness, Living water and Bread of Life. This following implies a oneness with Christ and the Father, not a tagging along. In oneness with Christ, you will not walk in darkness, if you merely tagged along, you risk straying into the dark places.

hazy sunlight through the trees on purple flowers

In 1 John 1:1-6, the Apostle John reminds us of Jesus’ oneness with the Father from the beginning and the purpose of His Light and [eternal] life manifested toward man remains in offering the same oneness of fellowship with the Father for all who believe.

are you walking in the light?

Drawn to the early morning sunlight streaming in my windows, my soul breathes in the light which so fills my heart with hope and joy for the day. The words of 1 John 1:5 bring a reassuring smile to my lips as I feel God’s embrace in the sunlight.

But as the autumn dusk claims the day’s last glimpse of sunlight, 1 John 1:6 prompts a slow fade of the lingering smile. In the same way the dwindling of the hours of sunlight troubles me in autumn, the claim of walking in the Light while lingering in a shadowed dusk hangs heavy upon my heart.

Boasting fellowship in the Light while walking in darkness, I compromise the truth.

Walking in the Light, I must guard my heart and mind from the deception of sin, allowing the Light of Christ access to every corner of my heart, that its cleasning power may have its perfect work casting out the darkness and maintaining Oneness in fellowship with God and my brothers and sisters in Christ.

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