Attributes of God: Goodness, Holiness, Immutability

By Elizabeth Prata

Any day is a good time to ponder who God is. He is worthy of service and worship.

Tim Challies created a visual theology of God’s attributes. Remember, God’s attributes are not parts that make up a whole. Everything good that there is, is 100% contained in God. He is 100% beauty, 100% aseity, 100% omniscient, etc. He is complete in Himself.

A typical classification of God’s attributes divides them into those that are incommunicable (those that he does not share or “communicate” to anyone or anything else) and communicable (those that He shares with other beings). Blue text attributes are incommunicable. For example, humans can seek to be good, but we can never be immutable. We can be wise, but we can never be omniscient.

GOODNESS: Moral attributes: God is the final standard of all good, and all he is and does is worthy of approval.

HOLINESS: Moral attributes: God is separated from sin and he is committed to seeking his own honor.

IMMUTABILITY: Incommunicable attribute: God cannot change in his being, perfections, purposes, and promises.

Other essays about God’s attributes-

1. Attributes of God: Aseity, Beauty, Blessedness
2. Eternity, Freedom, Glory

Further reading

What is the Immutability of God? from GotQuestions
The Immutability of God TableTalk Magazine from Ligonier

By Tim Challies. Right click to open larger in new tab. Or here to download your own

Previous weeks-1. Aseity, Beauty, Blessedness
2. Eternity, Freedom, Glory
3. Goodness, Holiness, Immutability
4. Invisibility, Jealousy, Knowledge
5. Love
6. Mercy, Omnipotence, Omnipresence
7. Peace, Righteousness, Perfection
8. Will, Wisdom, Wrath

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