BEING REAL - Jewell Utt

    We refuse to wear masks and play games. 2Cor 4:2 (MSG)

     The Virginia Tech mascot is a turkey affectionately referred to as the “Hokie” bird. One souvenir is a stuffed animal with a secret.  After careful inspection, his secret may still remain undiscovered. The head of the turkey, if pulled back firmly, is really a clever mask. It’s a bear in disguise. A warm and fuzzy teddy bear.

    Not everyone who wears a mask is harmless. Many schools today fall victim to senseless shootings. A result of people whose behavior may raise red flags, but who are able to mask their darkness through pretense.

    We all struggle with insecurities and are tempted to wear masks from time to time. Pretending not to hurt, we don our  “I’m okay” mask. When hiding our true motives, out comes the masquerade mask. But the Bible tells us not to wear masks. Concealing things leads to unhealthy habits, (John 3:20). Revealing them brings light into a dark situation and can draw people closer. Truth promotes strong character and healthy spiritual growth.

    Jesus did not wear masks. He shared His feelings and beliefs.
    He showed anger toward the money changers in the temple, and they knew it. (Mt 21:12)
    He wept at the loss of Lazarus and the grief it caused his sisters. (Jn11:28)
    He celebrated with His disciples at the wedding in Cana. (Jn2:1-11)
    When scared, He leaned on His Heavenly Father through prayer. (Mt 26:36-37)
    When He was in despair, He called upon His friends to stay with Him. (Mt 26:38)

    Being real brings comfort, friendship, closeness and truth into every relationship. Follow the model of Christ and express your true self. He loves and values you!

    Do you know a student who’s beginning their college career?
    Purchase a copy of “Rise.” 32 weeks of inspiring devotions to fuel their first year of college. Recently released compilation-$12. Place your order through the “contact” tab on my home page.

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