Bible in 365 Days – Day 213

DAY 213.png

Focus Chapters:

  • 2 Kings 23:1-20
  • 2 Chronicles 34:29-33
  • 2 Kings 23:21-28
  • 2 Chronicles 35:1-19
  • Nahum 1-3

Standout Verse(s):

2 Kings 23:25 NLT

Never before had there been a king like Josiah, who turned to the Lord with all his heart and soul and strength, obeying all the laws of Moses. And there has never been a king like him since.

Observation (s):

  1. Josiah turned to God with everything that was in him.

    Never before had there been a king like Josiah, who turned to the Lord with all his heart and soul and strength, obeying all the laws of Moses.

  2. His wholehearted chasing after God resulted in him being declared as being one of a kind.

    Never before had there been a king like Josiah, who turned to the Lord with all his heart and soul and strength, obeying all the laws of Moses. And there has never been a king like him since.


Can you think of some of some of your most iconic incomparable “one-of-a-kind” things or moments? Well I can! There is the last gift I received from my father before his death. Then there is God’s love for me and His willingness to lead the imperfect creature that I am.

What about in the Bible? Who are some of the most iconic characters whose works and heart made them incomparable in the sight of God? For me, there is David, a man whom God declared as modelling His heart. There is Methuselah, the man God allowed never to see death. There is Job whom God boasted about and then there is Josiah whom the Bible declares to be a king who turned to God with his whole heart, soul and strength.

Josiah was eight years old when he inherited the leadership of Israel. Despite his age, he sought to lead his people to God. His dedication to the cause was such that the Bible deemed his actions incomparable! His passion for God’s law made a difference then and continues to make a difference even today.

What will you be remembered for? Will you be like the persons in Ecclesiastes who gain fame and favour today but are forgotten tomorrow? Strive to be one of a kind like Josiah. Make God proud. Have a godly passion and dedication that is incomparable. Chase after God wholeheartedly! Turn to the Lord with your whole heart, soul and strength.

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May the Peace of God go with you!


life-experience Bible Challenge chase following the godly path heart soul strength wholeheartedly

DiscoveringByDesign View All →

I am a dynamic young lady who loves the Lord and seek to have a joy that no one can take away. My all-time favourite thing to do is gaining discoveries by design from My Father during our time each day. Reading, learning and trying new things falls behind in a close second place. My dream is to use my God-given talents to positively impact as many people as possible. As a proud Wolmerian, with a zest for life, I adhere to the “Age Quod Agis” motto in that whatsoever I do, I always do it to the best of my ability.

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