Bible study:success tips and principles for financial breakthrough

Bible study:success tips and principles for financial breakthrough

Posted on January 17, 2009

Memorise: ” The slothful man roasteth not that which he took in hunting: but the substance of a diligent man is precious” (Proverbs 12:27)

Read: Proverbs 12:23-28

 Pastor E. Adeboye

“A tale bearer revealeth secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter” (Proverbs 11:13).

Poor management of divine information has made God to stop entrusting His secrets to some of His children. Some people are so loud mouthed and lose tongued that they cannot retain whatever they are told: it must end up with someone else! When believers give away vital information to their enemies, they hinder themselves. Some people receive a revelation about somebody but tell it to somebody else.

 If care is not taken, what God gave you in confidence to help your needy brother, will become a gossip weapon in the hands of the enemy to scatter his life or family. If you have no control over your tongue, the Lord cannot entrust you with His secrets.

 Some careless Christians take vital information about their church to unbelievers outside. Testimonies not properly shared will drive hearers rather than draw them to Christ. How have you managed the information already given to you?

Laziness is another reason God bypasses believers with divine secrets. When God gives you a message in coded form, He expects you to come to Him for the key to decode that message. For every coded information there is a decoded version. If you cannot seek God’s face for the decoded version, you are only being lazy. After piling up several undecoded messages, God may stop giving you more.

You will identify a lazy person by the volume of untreated files on his table. How many of such files have you treated? Whenever God gives a message to some Christians, it is either He sends another person on the same mission, or be prepared for disappointment. A lazy Christian is a curse not a blessing to the Christian faith.

Disobedience is another revelation killer. If God asks you to deliver a message to someone, but you refuse, you will be standing in God’s way. If you remain in disobedience, God will look for someone else. May the Lord never replace you in His plan in Jesus’ Name. Have you been disobedient?

Repent and take corrective steps in all affected areas. Another revelation stopper is poor praise, worship and thanksgiving habit. If you cannot thank God enough for the few secrets He has shared with you, He may not give you more. Many of us take such secrets for granted. Start to thank Him for every piece of information He has shared with you.

Spend one hour thanking God for past secrets and revelations He has shared with you.

This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged Babatope Babalobi, Bible study, Devotionals, pastor adeboye, Prayers, RCCG, Success.

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