Breakthrough prayer points: My red sea must part

Breakthrough prayer points: My red sea must part

Posted on May 9, 2014 Updated on May 8, 2014

Memorise: “But lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea” (Exo 14:16)Read: Exodus 14:15-16

When the Israelites got to the shore of the Red Sea, they forgot they were being chased by the Egyptians. They declared a picnic. But as they were settling down to rest, they heard the sound of the enemies behind them and became afraid.They knew that the advancing army would either return them into slavery or kill them. In their panic, they converged on Moses in tears instead of crying to God. Moses went back to God on the matter and the Lord told him what to do and what the Israelites should do (Exodus 14:10-16). In verse 16, God told Moses, “But lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea”.From the above passage you will discover that it was not really God who divided the Red Sea but Moses. God asked him to stretch his rod. He obeyed and God backed him up. As leaders, there are expectations from us. Until you divide the Red Sea before those you are leading, they may terminate their journey to the promised land at the sea bank.

The Red Sea could mean a common problem affecting everyone under a particular leader, congregation or family. In this regard, Red Sea can be doses of false doctrines taught in a particular church. Or it could be the refusal to teach those under you certain aspects of the Word of God. Any aspect of God’s Word you deny those you are leading could prevent them from entering the promised land (Matt 5:19). If you want your people to prosper, you must not only fast and pray but also provide solid teachings on giving, tithing, sowing and reaping, vows and hard work as conditions for material prosperity.breakthrough prayer points

If you refuse to teach your congregation or family on divine healing and health, they may end up depending on doctors for the rest of their lives. This Red Sea is what the leader must part. As parents, have you parted the Red Sea that could hinder your children’s glorious future? The Red Sea in this regard may be to provide them a solid knowledge of Christ, and the Christian life, a qualitative education, good moral upbringing, etc. If you do not do it, God will not do it for you.

Until you part the Red Sea before you, Heaven may keep looking on passively.                          By Pastor Enoch Adeboye

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