Christ the Lord is Risen Today!

He is risen! Hallelujah! Although we celebrate our risen Lord every Sunday, there is something special about celebrating on Easter. It’s the perfect time to sing songs about the resurrection of our Lord. My favorite Easter hymn comes from the pen of Charles Wesley in 1739, Christ the Lord is Risen Today. This hymn summarizes the Easter story in such a beautiful poetic verse.

Christ the Lord is risen today, Alleluia!

Sons of men and angels say, Alleluia!

Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia!

Sing ye heav'ns and earth, reply, Alleluia!

Love's redeeming work is done, Alleluia!

Fought the fight, the battle won, Alleluia!

Death in vain forbids Him rise, Alleluia!

Christ hath opened Paradise, Alleluia!

Lives again our glorious King, Alleluia!

Where, O death, is now thy sting? Alleluia!

Once He died, our souls to save, Alleluia!

Where thy victory, O grave? Alleluia!

Soar we now where Christ has led, Alleluia!

Foll'wing our exalted Head, Alleluia!

Made like Him, like Him we rise, Alleluia!

Ours the cross, the grave, the skies, Alleluia!

Hail, the Lord of earth and heav'n! Alleluia!

Praise to Thee by both be giv'n, Alleluia!

Thee we greet triumphant now, Alleluia!

Hail, the Resurrection Thou! Alleluia!

Let this hymn reverberate through your heart and mind today. Sing it again and again, and carry it with you into your week. Then gather with your local church again next Sunday to continue celebrating our risen Savior!

Happy Easter from So We Speak! 

Kim has been married to her college sweetheart, Jason, for 24 years and they have one son who is a high school senior. Most recently, Kim completed her Ph.D in Church Music and Worship from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. She has presented at Evangelical Theological Society and The Society of Christian Scholarship in Music, and her works have appeared in The Hymn, Artistic Theologian, and Baptist History and Heritage Journal.


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