Christmas in July - Jewell Utt

    The scent of curried vegetables wafted through the air. It drew attention away from the main dish– a Prime Rib with vegetable au jus. Side dishes surpassed the efforts of everyday fare. From twice baked potatoes with sprinkled cheese and bacon, to Waldorf salad, homemade wheat crescents, and a rainbow jello parfait. Guests were in for a savory feast.

    What milestone warranted such elaborate celebration? It was the birth of Christ.

    Couples who visited two and three homes on Christmas day, realized they were caught in a cycle of rushed travel designed to keep family harmony. They decided Christmas in July would be the perfect solution.  After all, no one could be left out. They’d celebrate with one family on real Christmas and one on a manufactured Christmas day. Of course, the wreath would have to be hung, the gifts purchased, the tree trimmed, and outfits considered, for the true Christmas spirit to be reproduced.

    Well, reproduced it was! The hustle and bustle of preparations took center stage, while Christ was left out. Overspending now occurred twice a year, on a budget that hadn’t recovered from the first round of lavish giving. And it wasn’t to the needy and famished, but to the children who expected, by training, to be twice blessed. As mom struggled to make the last of the cookies–so Santa could have some when he came to fill stockings–she realized this idea was not so good after all.

    Sound familiar? Perhaps a bit overworked, but this scenario is indeed a reality for many families. And God looking on from heaven, sees the blatant disregard of His Son. Sure a prayer is said before the meal, and a biblical Christmas story may be read, along with T’was the night… But the place of honor belonging to Jesus, to God Himself, is overshadowed by the side dishes.

    Too often the temporary glitter of life, materialism and busyness, divert us from the presence of Christ. He is the main course. In His presence meaningful gifts are found and the priorities of God are revealed. The only preparation is a willing heart, a humble spirit and a desire for peace. Jesus is cause to celebrate any day. Setting boundaries allows us to savor His goodness.

     “Taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.” Psalm 34:8

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