Church: principles of evangelism and service to God

Church: principles of evangelism and service to God

Posted on December 22, 2008 Updated on December 22, 2008

Memorise: “Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called” (1 Cor 7:20)
Read: 1 Corinthians 7:17-24

Pastor E. Adeboye, RCCG

“Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called” (1 Cor 7:20).

One thing most human beings do not want, but which they may need in certain situations is change. People are very slow to accept and adapt to new ways of doing things, or new leadership. This attitude is equally common in the church.

The Early church was commanded to take the Gospel to different parts of the world. But because they did not want change, they remained in Jerusalem until God stirred up persecution against them. Every child of God must welcome change. Sometimes as a worker, you could be posted from one department to another, or from one parish to another. Whenever this happens, know that the change is for your good. Some workers resist inter-departmental movements because they feel they are removed from their area of calling.
In reality, what partly determines where you are sent is where vacancies exist.

If you are called to be a teacher but the church has need of evangelists, your pastor may assign you to Evangelism department. You should humbly go there because God wants you to serve Him in that department. When your pastor assigns you to a department but you fail to go, know that you are in disobedience.

From that moment, you are on your own, working for yourself. That also means that you are the one to reward yourself. God has a purpose for taking you through different departments. He may want you to learn what is done in the various departments so as to prepare you for something bigger. Some of the most proficient pastors today went through various departments as workers.

When the Lord arrested Saul on his way to Damascus in Acts 9:6, he asked Him, ‘What do you want me to do?’ That is the reply God expects from us. What is important at the end of the day is not what we want to do, but what He wants us to do. Some workers have transferred themselves from their original assignment for personal reasons, without the approval of the One who sent them. This is dangerous. It is transfer out of relevance.

Heaven does not recognize where such believers are. As God said to Adam, ‘Where are you?’ The Lord is calling, ‘My son, my daughter, where are you?’ Restitute your ways today. Return to your department, or parish. The blessings of God will only meet you where God located you. Your packages from Heaven will locate you only at the address God placed you.

List 10 reasons you do not want a change. Also list 10 possible reasons God may want that change. Compare both but yield to His will

This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged Babatope Babalobi, Bible, Bible study, Deliverance, Evangelism, Religion, Success.

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