Posted on December 14, 2016 Updated on November 23, 2016

  By Pastor Enoch Adeboye

Memorise: “Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 10:32)

Read: Matthew 10:32-33

christA young slave girl that was brought into the house of Naaman witnessed of the power of her God and eventually linked her master to his miracle (2 Kings 5:2-4). Never underestimate the power of a maid, house help or subordinate. You cannot tell if the person you are looking down upon is the same avenue for the miracle you crave. In any case, with how many people have you shared your testimony?

A driver led his female boss to Christ and she also led another lady to Christ. This second lady brought in a harvest of souls to the Kingdom through whom about 12 churches were established. All from the testimony of one driver! There will be lots of surprises in Heaven. Some insignificant people – house maids, messengers, cooks, gardeners, drivers, house boys, etc. who were faithful witnesses of Christ will be sitting closer to Jesus Christ, than many well acclaimed pastors.

The name of this maid was not mentioned because she was considered insignificant. But I believe when we get to Heaven, the Lord Jesus will introduce her to us as the one who brought salvation to Naaman. She will stand tall among others on that day!

I want Jesus to talk about me to God, His angels and fellow brethren. This is more important than when men sing your praise. In Matthew 10:32, Jesus says, “Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven”.

Do you know by declaring God’s goodness in your life or His saving grace, you are sowing on earth? Each time you preach Christ to somebody, you sow a seed. However, Psalm 126:5-6 calls it precious seed because it is a rare seed that is sown on earth, but releases its harvest in Heaven. Of all seeds anyone can sow, soul winning is the greatest because apart from the immeasurable harvest, Jesus Christ will become the herald of the soul winner.

He will summon the angels and everyone in Heaven and talk about how good, loving and kind the soul winner is to His Kingdom. No wonder soul winners are very popular in Heaven! People would have heard so much about you even before your arrival.

Besides, He will take the fellow’s matter to God and speak so well about him that the Father would be compelled to grant his requests. This period, lead at least 10 souls to Christ, then ask Him to intercede on your behalf before God.

You can determine how popular you will be in Heaven by how popular you make Jesus on planet earth.

This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged babalobi, Babatope Babalobi, Bible, Bible study, Christian, christian prayers, Christianity, church, Devotionals, Faith, God, good news, Holiness, Jesus, Prayers, Religion, Salvation, Save the World, Success.

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