Dangers Hide in Plain Sight - Jewell Utt

    The kitten nipped the grass… peacefully unaware that a ravenous fox watched from the woods. Overhead a hawk circled, his eye intent on a target. His target wasn’t the large dog that had wandered into the back yard. He contentedly sniffed and hadn’t yet noticed the kitten. Suddenly, a loud bark interrupted the quiet scene, as the neighbor’s German Shepherd spotted the other dog. The startled kitten jerked to life and ran for shelter.  Phew…close call. He escaped with only a fright.

    Dangers hide in plain sight. Enemies who will ravage us, if not for alarms that sound at the perfect time. God sends those warnings to keep us safe. If we heed our day goes well, but when we do not, trouble begins its work.

    God remains alert even when we are not. He promises to shield and protect us in times of need. Our part is to remain in the shadow of His wings. We have to walk in close proximity to remain in someone’s shadow and that’s exactly where Christ wants us to dwell. Like the kitten, we live naïve to the dangers that lurk about and the troubles we have been spared.  

    He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Psalm 91:1-2

    Dear Lord, Help me abide in Your shadow; safe from danger and secure in Your presence.   

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