Deliver Us From Hypocrisy: Senate Chaplain's Barry Black's Scathing Prayers in the government shutdown... - After the Altar Call

Hello World,

Like many Americans, I imagine, I am thoroughly disheartened that the people we elected cannot seem to work together to govern our country…I am reminded of when I first began as a reporter and covered school board meetings…I was shocked at how childish and petty the school board members acted. I felt like many of them either forgot or never learned the basics of good manners and appropriate behavior and instead chose to further their self interests instead of doing what was best for the children…I am not privy to all of what has transpired in the House and Senate but from my view, they are conducting themselves like children who want their way no matter what…

But thankfully, there is a voice of reason that has the unique ability to tell these so-called leaders about themselves…I learned about Senate Chaplain Barry Black from MNSBC’s Rachel Maddow…Prior to the government shutting down and throughout the government shutdown, Senate Chaplain Barry Black, who opens the meeting of the Senate each day with prayer, has used his prayers to admonish them and their shameless petulance…

  • On the Friday before the shutdown, Black said, “Keep us from shackling ourselves with the chains of dysfunction. Lord, deliver us from governing by crisis.”
  • On last Monday, Black said, “Lord, lead them away from the unfortunate dialectic of us versus them as they strive to unite for the common good of this land we love.”
  • On last Tuesday, Black prayed for “replacing cynicism with faith and cowardice with courage.”
  • And on last Wednesday, Black said, “Save us from the madness. Deliver us from the hypocrisy of attempting to sound reasonable while being unreasonable.”

He said that, didn’t he?! Go head Senate Chaplain Black! Reminds me of the scathing prayers of the Old Testament prophets! Although Senate Chaplain Black is praying for our leaders, he shouldn’t be the only one…We are commanded to pray for our leaders 1 Timothy 2:1-2…

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

Check out Senate Chaplain Barry Black’s prayers in the video below…His voice is so rich, deep and authoritative…Almost like James Earl Jones…Hopefully, his prayers combined with our prayers will be answered…

Any thoughts?



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