Deliverance prayers: I remove my name from demonic calendars

Deliverance prayers: I remove my name from demonic calendars

Posted on December 7, 2008 Updated on December 6, 2008


Anchor scripture: Psalm 31:15, Ecclesiastes 3:1-8;9:12,  Dan. 2:21, Matt. 16:3, Psalm 19:1-2, Psalm 121:6; Eph. 5:16

INTRODUCTION All that man will ever be is programmed into times and seasons. We are beings of times and seasons. Whoever controls our times and seasons controls our destiny. This year God will order your times and seasons in Jesus’ name.

By faith and violent prayers, bad times and evil seasons can be changed. We can use faith and the word of God and prayers to programme good things into our times and seasons. If times are bad and the years frustrating, one can redeem them back in prayers. Evil men, with satanic understanding of the heavenlies can programme words into sun moon and the stars to affect one’s times and seasons.

So there is a need to deal with astral altars.

Pray like this (and also in your own words):

(1)    Lord, God, you are the one who created times and seasons and put me here to operate by them. I believe Ii have been born at the right time you’re proposed for me. I thank you for this. I am living at the right times in history of mankind

(2)     Now, Lord, as David cried unto you, so do I today saying “My times are in thy hand, deliver me from the hand of my enemies, and from those who persecute me”

(3)    Lord, rescue my times,  my destiny, from the hands of my enemies.

(4)    Let every demonic gadgets made to monitor my times my life, be destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ.

(5)    I remove my name from any demonic calendar

This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged Babatope Babalobi, Christianity, deliverance prayers, Religion.

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