Don't Box God In! 

Most of us as Christians are taught to "color inside the lines."

This is interpreted as putting God first, forsaking all desires that are not like Him.

And yes, this is true.

According to Matthew 6:33, we are to seek God's kingdom first.

All other things come from us seeking God's kingdom.

But we color inside the lines too much that it causes us to stay "inside the box."

Coloring in the lines is a good thing.

It shows that you have intention and a neat path to follow.

Coloring inside the lines is safe and not risky.

But if you only color inside the lines, especially as a Christian, you will NOT be effective on earth!

You will be safe, but you will be ineffective in reaching and connecting with the lost.

Let me give you an illustration.

Let's suppose you are a singer.

And you sing quite well, I might add.

Would you rather want to sing in an auditorium so that others can enjoy your voice?

Or would you rather sing for the same 20 people in church on Sunday?

What I'm trying to say is that our Christian faith is not only for the 20 people in the congregation!


If we look at Jesus' life, he ministered more to the broken, poor, needy, sinful, and dirty than to the people of the church.

You don't have to just be a "church goer" to have a kingdom impact.

If you are an artist, painter, engineer, nurse, or fill in the blanks, you can use your craft, personality, and creativity to be a conduit of God's love.

Don't box God in!

Live out your faith in everything, not just on Sunday mornings.


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    John Cory Jackson

    Hello. I am a Christian that is a nerd and love nerdy type of things like video games, cartoons, and some pop culture elements.