April and I like to try a different restaurant whenever we can. Picking one that April has never been to so she can get a taste of American establishments and also so she can make suggestions if out with her friends. It can be kind of fun and exciting but disappointing as well.

Recently, we have started praying and seeking God concerning going to a different church. Unlike trying a new place to eat, I don’t like going to a new place and meeting new people. A lot of people feel the same way, I think, and they stay in their current church.

Where you attend a church service is essential. It is a source of spiritual food. One part of the spiritual nutrition pyramid. Some of the others would be praying and reading your Bible. Part of a balanced diet in your relationship with God. Hopefully, the minister seeks God every week to see what he should be feeding his flock from the whole word of God.

April and I have discovered the use of modern technology to check out churches. There is one church near our house that we were considering. The other day, we found their services online and proceeded to watch. The minister wasn’t very engaging and seemed to talk about whatever Bible verse popped into his head. It seemed as if he had no outline and central subject to his sermon. I looked at April and said, “I’m not getting spiritually fed. Are you?” She agreed this wasn’t the place for us.

Now, there certainly isn’t anything wrong with the messages from our current church, except they are a bit basic. We like the pastor and what the church practices. We understand why the sermons are for new Christians; the church leads a lot of people to God. Perhaps we are hungry for more. The other issue is the people aren’t all that friendly. They come in late and rush out as soon as the service is over, so it is hard to make connections. We tried last summer to join a home group, but the leader never called us. I guess he liked his home group the way it was. I don’t know to him! (A Filipino phrase April taught me.)

Where you attend church is very important. You should find a place where you get a good balanced diet of the word of God and how to apply it to your life so you can grow spiritually and in your relationship with God. You should find a place with people similar to you (like precious faith) so you can connect with them and do life together. Supporting each other. Rejoicing when they rejoice and weeping when they weep. Don’t get so comfortable, like in an old pair of jeans, where you are going, that you don’t notice if you are getting fat on the word or if you are starving.

1 From Simeon Peter, a slave and apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who through the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ, have been granted a faith just as precious as ours. May grace and peace be lavished on you as you grow in the rich knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord!
2 Ptr. 1:1-2 (NET)

Laugh with your happy friends when they’re happy; share tears when they’re down.
Rom 12:15 (MSG)

Copyright © 2025 Mark Brady. All rights reserved.