Here are four through six of my twelve suggested endings. I have given examples of each type of ending from chapters in my own books.

  1. The Play on Words – Sometimes alliteration, a slogan, or a catchy phrase sticks the longest with the reader.

“Pastor Ananda’s burden for his flock, however heavy, is carried with joy and compassion. It fits him well. Each of us has our own divinely designed yoke—our own job to do. Suddenly I felt a renewed strength to wear the yoke God has fashioned for me” (“Pastor Ananda” Potpourri of Praise).

  1. The Quote Close – Use a quote taken from a subject, history, or other source of quotations to add finality to the article.

“Angelic flames of light and heavenly choirs, accompanied by celestial harps and trumpets, turned a scene of earthly tragedy into a scene of heavenly triumph. From what they saw that day, and from ‘God’s Carvings’, the Aucas learned what the Psalmist wrote: “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints” (Psalm 116:15, “Dawa’s Story,” Potpourri of Praise).

  1. The Add-On – This close can make a point never made in the story—a shocker or something that seems natural for making your final point.

“As we walked toward the refreshment table together, I realized that my lack of forgiveness had cost us both a great price” (“Forget and Forgive,” Rest Stops for Single Mothers).