EPM Resources to Share with Your Spanish-Speaking Friends - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries

That God will redeem people of every tribe and language (Revelation 5:9) suggests that He has special interest in the work of Bible translation, the broad international reach of the JESUS film, and all mission endeavors (including those for unreached people groups). I believe the diversity of languages provides a wider range of opportunity to glorify God: “We hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!” (Acts 2:11).

Currently, our ministry is focusing on offering more resources in Spanish, which is now the second most-spoken language in the world (after Mandarin Chinese). Several of my books are available in Spanish and some we sell through EPM’s store, including my graphic novel Eternity (Eternidad), Heaven (El Cielo), and The Purity Principle (El Principio de la Pureza).

Doreen Button with Marcos and Dorcas in Barcelona, March 2016One fun connection in the Spanish-speaking world happened when Eternal Perspective Ministries staffer Doreen Button and her husband Mike visited Barcelona, Spain during their trip to Europe in March. The Buttons got to meet Dorcas and Marcos, who had emailed EPM about their evangelical church’s Heaven-related teaching and outreach. Marcos had written us, “It's great when we have evidence that we are part of the universal body of Christ! Please, if you come to Spain, do visit us!”, and the Buttons had a wonderful time doing just that, as well as bringing them some more of my books, including Happiness (which is being released in Spanish this November).

Over the years, we’ve heard some great things about churches utilizing the Spanish translations of my Heaven-related books. One Spanish-speaking pastor wrote this about my book Heaven (El Cielo):

El entusiasmo que ha levantado en mi iglesia el estudio de este libro es impresionante. La gente quiere saber más e invitar a sus familiares y amistades a escuchar estas verdades.

The enthusiasm that has been raised in my church because of the study of this book is impressive. People want to know more and to invite their relatives and friends to listen to these truths.

Pastor, Daniel Palaú Chávez, Iglesia Evangélica Metropolitana Emanuel

We also have over 60 free article resources in Spanish available, which I’m really excited about. Numbers of them are excerpts from my books in Spanish.  I would love for individuals and ministries and churches to utilize these and share them with Spanish-speakers.

Available resources include:

Also, we have posted 26 videos in Spanish on our website.

May God use these resources to impact lives for His kingdom! (Acceso Directo is another resource, with translated articles from writers like Ed Welch, John Piper, Albert Mohler, R.C. Sproul, Paul Tripp, and others.)

Writing about how God is working in Latin America, Jairo Namnún, editorial director for The Gospel Coalition’s Spanish website Coalición por el Evangelio, says this:

Because of dissatisfaction with superficial Christianity, there is an amazing hunger for the Word of God throughout Latin America. True believers are devouring anything that will help them handle the Word of Truth. More and more we hear of churches turning to sound doctrine for the first time. In a recent conference, I saw more than a hundred pastors from different countries step forward and repent of ministries that did not honor God.

Surely there’s still much work to be done, but the Lord is already at work in this moment. I too believe we’re experiencing the beginning of a revival. It is my prayer that believers in the Spanish-speaking world would be faithful to the Lord, diligent in the Scriptures, and prepared to give an answer to any and all who question the reason for our hope. If you believe you are being called, consider going, training, planting, or serving. In any case, will you join us in prayer?

What a privilege to offer resources in Spanish, and perhaps be a small part of the great work God is doing in Latin America and in the hearts of Spanish-speaking people around the world!

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