Finishing Touches
Have you ever had a friend who seems to do everything right? You’re in need, and they are right there with you, and they have what you need. They seem invaluable to you and your life. In fact, at times, you can’t imagine life without them. They also seem to be the ones who champion celebrations in your life as well.
April and I know a lady who seems to have made it her mission in life to celebrate a person’s milestones, especially if it is a birthday. She does it right, too. Beautiful cakes accented with remnants or tablecloths, festive decorations, tiaras, and, of course, invited friends. She specializes in keeping the upcoming celebration a secret, as well. Recipients always feel special. I know April did when her fortieth birthday was celebrated last year.
We know another lady who is always on the spot when it comes to bringing over a meal whenever your life is going through a tough time, whether it be an illness, death in the family, or something else. Her actions show that she is aware of what you are going through and that she cares.
I have a friend who will drop whatever he is doing to come over and help you. It doesn’t matter if it is a home improvement project, lifting something, driving you somewhere, picking you up at the airport, or any other type of favor where you need a hand.
Those types of individuals seem to put the “finishing touches” on life. They demonstrate the love of God and compassion. By the way, the word “compassion” in the Greek language means seeing a need and doing whatever you can to alleviate it. They define the difference between “a friend” and “a GOOD friend!” This world could use a lot more “good friends.” I hope you will consider being one. The first thing it takes is for you to give “your” concerns to God and trust him with them. The second is it takes opening your eyes to see others and what they are facing. Third, caring enough about them to do something. Put the finishing touches on someone else’s life.
Some friendships do not last, but some friends are more loyal than brothers.
Prov. 18:24 (GNT)
Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, just as you are in fact doing.
1 Thes. 5:11 (NET)
For if they fall, one will help his companion up, but pity the person who falls down and has no one to help him up. Ecc. 4:10 (NET)
Be devoted to one another with mutual love, showing eagerness in honoring one another.
Rom. 12:10 (NET)
Everything in the world is about to be wrapped up, so take nothing for granted. Stay wide-awake in prayer. Most of all, love each other as if your life depended on it. Love makes up for practically anything. Be quick to give a meal to the hungry, a bed to the homeless—cheerfully. Be generous with the different things God gave you, passing them around so all get in on it: if words, let it be God’s words; if help, let it be God’s hearty help. That way, God’s bright presence will be evident in everything through Jesus, and he’ll get all the credit as the One mighty in everything—encores to the end of time. Oh, yes! 1 Pt. 4:7-11 (MSG)
Copyright © 2025 Mark Brady. All rights reserved.