God Has A Better Plan For Women.

Why are we here? How should we be living? Living with purpose is very important. God created you and I for specific purposes, friends. That is special! The Holy Bible is the blueprint for how Christians should be living.

Specifically as women, how should we not be living, if we are followers of Jesus Christ? In this post, I will discuss five things that God didn’t create women for, but many women are often struggling, caught up in doing these very things.

1.To idolize men.

My interpretation of part of the curse for the woman announced in Genesis 3:15 is that women will have a strong desire for the love of men, for the love of their husbands. Husbands and men in general will often deal harshly with them.

Evidence supports this interpretation, because so many women have been so obsessive about having the love of men that they have allowed lots of mistreatment.

Many women prioritize having men above almost anything else. But God alone is God. He will have no other gods before Him.  Idolization of men, love and marriage is  wrong.

2. To allow men to mistreat them.

Due to the fact that so many women feel lonely, crave men’s love and idolize men, some have allowed various types of mistreatment from men. There are other reasons some women allow mistreatment, but these are some of the most common reasons.

Some women are willing to risk their children being harmed, risk their own harm, and the harm of others. They have ignored red flags, alarm bells and stop signs to proceed into dangerous relationships with men.

Some women have put up with cheating, various forms of abuse and disrespect-all to keep men around.

Thankfully, a lot of women are no longer putting up with these things because they better understand their worth. Obviously, men were not created to be mistreated by women either.

3. To support men’s rebellion against God.

When God created Eve as Adam’s helper, she was to support and help Adam as Adam fulfilled the will of God. Eve was not presented to Adam so that she could support him as he rebelled against God. She was presented to a man who was obedient to God.

Yet, due to idolatry of men, loneliness, and a general lack of knowledge as well as broken relationship with God, some women will rebel against God as they co-sign and affirm men’s rebellion against God.

4. To parent alone/ be single mothers.

It takes two to procreate for a reason. God made it necessary for both fathers and mothers to come together to create children. This is not to be hard on single mothers or single fathers. I understand there are many reasons people end up being single parents.

While this is not the ideal situation for both the parent or the child, I understand that there are plenty people who do the very best they can under their difficult circumstances. This is very commendable! My point is, God’s design is not single-parenthood.

5. To disobey God in any way.

Women were created for God. This means it is God’s will, God’s way. When God created Eve for Adam, He ultimately did this for Himself because she was to coexist with Adam in fulfilling God’s will.

Women were created to honor and glorify God by being obedient to his commandments and living according to his will in their individual purposes.

For women who will marry, these women were created for God, to be helpers to their husbands, loving nurturers to their children and to fulfill God’s will in general.

Letting our lights shine in this dark world.

It is unpopular to live righteously. There are all kinds of ungodly influences around us. Ungodliness is increasing. America is in a state of perpetual madness and regressing. There are many ways that we can be tempted to sin and conform.

As we navigate through this life, it is especially important for Christians to remember why we are here. We are here to glorify God. So, fellow Christians- let’s honor and keep God first in all that we do.

Bible References:

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

-Romans 12: 2 KJV

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

– Matthew 5: 16 KJV

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. -Ecclesiastes 12: 13 KJV


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