God Helps Those Who Cannot Help Themselves! - Ron Edmondson

Occasionally people quote a common saying and ask me where it’s found in the Bible. I don’t enjoy being the one to tell them that what they have always believed is Biblical, really is just a repeated saying among well meaning people.  My favorite myth is “God will not put more trials on you than you can bear”.  It certainly sounds good, but that is not exactly what the Bible says. I wrote a post you might read about that HERE.

Another myth

Another myth people often say is “God helps those who help themselves.” I would point out the Scripture that says this, but I have not found it. In fact, I think I’m safe in saying that I haven’t found it, because it isn’t there.

While the message sounds good, we need to understand that only thing we can do to help ourselves so that God will help us. It is to put our trust in Him to help us! Did I lose you on that one?

God wants to help His children. His love causes Him to want to bless His children. The thing inside of us, which welcomes God’s favor, is the love He has for us. And ultimately the love (and belief) we have in His Son. It is not what we have done to help ourselves.

An Example

Moses told the Israelites once, before they went into battle, “The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still.” (Exodus 14:14)  Sometimes our job is not to “help ourselves”. Our best effort may be to be still before the Lord and wait on Him to work His perfect plan in our life.

Perhaps you have been trying to “help yourself” so that God would “help you”. Why not be still, do nothing, wait on the Lord, and let Him help you? Let Him work in His timing and with His plan, just because you are His child. The greatest way you can help yourself, might be to humble yourself before the God who wants to bless you. (1 Peter 5:6)

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