God Loves To Use Ordinary People - Pursuing Intimacy With God

    God Loves Use Ordinary People In His Kingdom Work & Mission

    Does God use ordinary people ? Can God use you to do extraordinary things ? God not only used many ordinary people in the Bible, God loves to use ordinary people today. God loves to use ordinary people to accomplish His kingdom work and mission.

    God Loves To Use Ordinary People

    Dwight Moody – An Ordinary Man

    god uses ordinary people, dl moodyDwight Moody was a simple ordinary man. As a young man he sold shoes to make a living.  He had very little education before his conversion to Christ. When he was 17 he could barely read or write, and in a Bible class he could not find the book of John. He searched for it in the Old Testament.

    He was not your idea of someone that God could use to reach many many people for Christ. And he was not formally trained or educated to be the evangelist that God called him to be.

    But Mr. Moody was a man totally committed and surrendered to God, and as a result God was able to use him in great ways. God’s hand was on him in a special way.

    God Loves To Use Ordinary People

    Billy Graham – Another Example

    There are many other examples of plain ordinary people that God has used in great ways. Billy Graham was the son of a farmer in rural North Carolina. After his first semester at Bob Jones University, he was told “At best, all you can amount to would be a poor country Baptist preacher somewhere out in the sticks.”

    But God had other plans for Billy Graham. God used him in extraordinary ways to preach the Gospel to millions of lost people. He is another example of how God loves to use ordinary people in His kingdom work and mission.

    God Used Ordinary People In The Bible

    There are too many examples in the Bible of how God uses ordinary people to list them all. Most of Jesus’ disciples were fishermen, and one was a dreaded tax collector. They were sinful men that Jesus touched and saved, and then used in great ways to change the world.

    King David was the “runt” of his family. He was a simple shepherd boy.  Even the prophet Samuel would have chosen one of David’s brothers to be king of Israel and not David. But God had plans to use David in great ways.

    “But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”  – 1 Samuel 16:7

    In Part 2 of “God Loves To Use Ordinary People” we will look more into God’s word and how He loves to use ordinary people in His kingdom work and mission.

    Pursuing Intimacy With God

    Pursuing Intimacy With God is committed to helping you with the most important thing in your life… your intimacy with God , your fellowship with Him, and your partnership with God in His Kingdom work & mission.

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