Growing Spiritually at Red Lights - Today Can Be Different

    How do you handle disappointments? Especially the life-is-unfair ones?

    In the past when I suffered these kinds of setbacks, I made matters worse by returning to an eating disorder or other addictive and destructive behaviors. It became so bad that television, “Reader’s Digest,” even spending time with close friends couldn’t calm the knots in my stomach. The only time I experienced relief was when I read my Bible and meditated on God’s Word.

    The beginning of Colossians 3:16 (ESV) says,

    Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.

    I’m convinced that had it not been for the direction, strength, joy and peace God’s Word provided, I wouldn’t be sitting at my laptop today. Instead, I’d likely still be in a mental health facility – or may have committed suicide.

    I have a high appreciation for the benefits of meditating on Scripture. Therefore, it’s natural for me to want to encourage you to love God’s Word, too. It’s my prayer that the Word of God will dwell in you richly.

    The good news is that it’s easy to do. And it doesn’t require large chunks of time.

    Simply keep a stack of index cards next to your Bible. Each day as you read, make a Scripture Meditation Card (SMC) by writing down verses that can help you live out your Christianity. You might find one about how to handle stress or be a better spouse. Or one that spotlights how much God loves you or one that reminds you of His faithfulness.

    Carry your SMCs with you throughout the day so you can read and think about the verse(s) whenever you have a free moment – while waiting at the doctor’s office, in a grocery store checkout line — or at red lights.

    You may actually find yourself falling in love with God’s Word – with God, Himself – as you do this.

    As Philippians 1:6 becomes real, and you witness Him developing and perfecting His work in you, you’ll soon be telling others how God is working in your life. Rather than focusing on others’ faults, your desire to intercede for them will increase. Your heart will lean toward thankfulness more than complaining.

    And when life seems unfair, your trust in your heavenly Father’s love for you will quiet the knots in your stomach.

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