Help in a Hopeless Situation

Lessons from the Widow of  Zarephath
(For the full story read 1 Kings 17)
Have you ever been in a desperate situation or felt like you couldn't handle another minute of your problems? Have you ever felt like your life was over? Maybe the loss of someone you love, a broken relationship, or family troubles? Maybe health problems, or having to move to a new area?
The widow of Zarephath was in a desperate situation. There was a drought in the land, and she had enough food to make one more meal for her and her son. After that they would starve. Imagine how she felt! Literally her life was nearly over and she knew it.
But help was on its way. God knew about this widow and her situation and he sent Elijah the prophet to stay with her. Because she obeyed Elijah's command to share their last meal with him and believed God's promise that their food would not run out till it rained, God saved her life and her son's. Her food did not run out, as God had promised and she did not die.
Whenever we are at the end of our rope, God is there to help us.
I remember a very dark moment in my life. Our fourth child had been in hospital for two months after her birth, and it was possible we still had months to go. One night after going out for dinner with my husband, I returned to the Heart Ward where our little girl was. Such a horrible feeling of despair I felt, as I wondered how much longer we would be there. I thought, "I've had enough. I can't handle any more. Isn't two months enough?"
A verse came to my mind. "He giveth more grace." James 4:6a
Hope and joy filled my heart as I realized that God would give me more help and grace to handle the rest of our time in hospital. God's help doesn't run out. As it turned out, we went home very soon after that night. But even if we had needed to stay for a few more months, God would have given new hope and strength for each day.
If you are in a difficult situation, have hope! God knows what you are going through. If you will obey Him and have faith in His promises, He will help you. There may be times He seems very far away, but keep praying and reading His Word and He will be near to you.


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