How to be More Useful for the Kingdom of God - Fill My Empty Cup Series

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I have inherited many of her beautiful porcelain cups and saucers.

However, most days, these lovely containers perch empty on a cabinet shelf in my home. They don’t get used at all. The teacups exist to decorate my house and to remember my sweet grandmother.

They were made; however, to be used for drinking coffee or hot tea.

At one time, these cups were filled to the brim with warm liquids and served to the guests in my grandmother’s home. Many people enjoyed the refreshment provided in these floral cups.

My antique cups were once incredibly useful, but now they just sit empty and serve little purpose.

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Sadly, so many Christians are like my teacups.

They are beautiful on the outside and could offer such refreshment to others around them. However, they sit empty and useless on the church pews because they are dry. They have so much potential, but they are empty and useless.

(In fact, we may be at an all-time LOW for usefulness and effectiveness in the church and in the Kingdom of God.)

Between cell phones, iPads, iWatches, computers, electronic cars, and all of the devices at hand – we are the most distracted people in the world.

To focus for 5 minutes on one thing is nearly impossible. How can we possibly serve others when we are so distracted by our own stuff?

Our distractedness keeps us from being more useful for the Kingdom.

Our distractedness keeps us from being more useful for the Kingdom. Click To Tweet

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As never before, we are addicted, people. We are addicted to our mobile devices, to Netflix, to Starbucks, to Amazon!

We are also addicted to many things that bring us down and pull us away from the Lord, from church, and from the Bible.

How can we possibly serve the Lord when we are so burdened by our addictions?

Our addictions also keep us from being more useful for the Kingdom.

Our addictions also keep us from being more useful for the Kingdom. Click To Tweet

People are so tired and exhausted. Look around you. We are a weary, run-down, lethargic people propped up on loads and loads of coffee.

We need more sleep and more rest and more time off.

How can we possibly serve the church or God? There is already more on our plates than we can handle.

Our exhaustion also keeps us from being more useful for the Kingdom.

Our exhaustion also keeps us from being more useful for the Kingdom. Click To Tweet

To make my teacups useful once more, all I need to do is fill them again with coffee or tea.

And, that’s what most Christians need – a fresh filling of the Lord Jesus.

We can intentionally focus on filling up and staying full!

For you see…

I have some other cups in my house. Cups that get regular use and offer continual enjoyment. These cups are less formal, less dressy, and less expensive than my china teacups.

They are my daily coffee cups that all of my family members use and enjoy.

These chunky, comfortable cups are so useful!

And, they stay full!

We can take regular steps and form regular habits that will keep us useful and filled.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be a beautiful porcelain teacup that sits high on a shelf and never gets used.

I’d rather be a clunky coffee mug that regularly fills up and offers refreshment to those around me.

Empty or Full? 

Set aside or Useful? 

Ineffective or Effective?

And, over the next few weeks, we are going to look at how to practically fill up and stay filled up.

-Would you like for God to use you?

-Do you want your life to make a difference for the Kingdom of God?

-Would you like to live your life filled to overflowing?

Then, be sure to drop by in the coming weeks for practical ideas and suggestions on how you can fill up to the brim!

My prayer today is that we will begin to choose to get off the shelf (or off the pew), fill up with the Lord Jesus, and allow Him to use us.

I’m praying Romans 15:13 for you and for myself:

“I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.”

My prayer today is that we will choose to get off the shelf (or off the pew), fill up with the Lord Jesus, and allow Him to use us. Click To Tweet

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10 Scriptures to Help You to Fill Up

10 Verses to Inspire You to Follow After God

Scriptures to Encourage You to be More Faithful

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