How to NOT depart from the faith? - Raising Zion

depart from the faith

Why do people depart from the faith if God is a loving Father? After tasting the love of God, testifying about His goodness, and walking with Him for a period of time; How is it that so many walk away from God?

Paul reminds Timothy about how it will be in the last days. He calls the last days, “perilous times”. Perilous means full of danger.

We are in dangerous times.

The spirit of the last days are seducing spirits. They entice believers. They use the power of attraction.

Advertisers and filmmakers are constantly researching ways to attract the children and youth. Technology giants are coming out with new platforms to capture the hearts of humans to make money.

The word of God is being twisted in movies and videos. It is being presented in trendy ways confusing young and weak believers. Old believers are settling in worldly lifestyles rather than striving for the faith.

How to protect ourselves from the lies and false spirits and not depart from the faith?

Invest time daily in word and prayer. Sanctifying ourselves and doing all things in the purity of faith and in good doctrine. God’s word cleans us (John 15:3). When we obey His word, acknowledging His presence daily, examining our own lives, He keeps us from evil.

Judas and Demas both followed Jesus (did ministry), yet, both departed from the faith. One loved money more than God, the other loved the present evil world. So did many others who caved in to the wiles of the devil.

We are constantly exposed to negative news and content all the time. The word of God and the Holy Spirit keeps us from getting carried away. Words matter, and only the word of God keeps us in truth. Every other form of conditioning can push us away from knowing and worshipping God freely.

Have you fallen? Rise up. Repent. Live by faith in Christ Jesus. He is coming soon. Praise God and Amen.

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