How To Nurture Your Relationship With God? - Raising Zion

Do you want to nurture your relationship with God? Are you confused about basic biblical principles for this life? For e.g. lying, stealing, sexual immorality, cheating, ungodly music, etc.

There are several reasons why young believers fail, here are three;

1. Ignorance of God’s word or calling
2. Lack of Meditating God’s Word
3. Negligible prayer life

Nurture your relationship with God’s Word

The word of God reveals to us why we exist. God’s word is given to us freely so we can refer to it daily and live victoriously. The word of God is Jesus, and we walk like Jesus when we obey the word of God. Without Jesus, we can do nothing (John 15:5). Which means we will not be fruitful for the kingdom of God. Ignorance keeps us foolish and blind to God’s ways, however successful we may be on sinful earth. (Romans 1:21) Having known God we grow into ignorance neglecting His ways, and become foolish in our understanding.

Meditating on the word of God is a delight for believers. If studying the Word of God isn’t a joy for you daily, then you need to repent and turn to God. If human words are powerful, the word of God will convert your life. The Word of truth sanctifies us when we spend quality time with it (John 15:3).

Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. (John 17:17)

We can go to church and go to hell. Many pray for ritualistic reasons, not believing. Sometimes prayer is a rush. There are two ways to pray, praying with understanding and praying in the Spirit. Praying with understanding is key because it helps you clearly talk to God. Speak from the depths of your heart. When we build a life of prayer by talking sincerely to God, we will learn to understand His response in our spirit over time. The Spirit of God will help you better understand the word of God. Nurture your relationship with His word through the power of prayer.

The day of Christ is near. Prepare to meet Jesus in the air. Maranatha, Praise God and Amen.

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