How Would God Describe You? - Today Can Be Different

    How would your friends or your boss describe you? Would your spouse, roommate or sibling describe you any differently?

    If you know you haven’t been “living right,” you may feel nervous at the thought of what they might say. Perhaps their answers to these questions would be sobering.

    Maybe even embarrassingly revealing.

    I hope thinking about these questions will motivate us to do whatever it takes to become a person worthy of honorable words.

    Going a little deeper, if you consider the way you’ve lived so far, how do you think God would describe you? Wouldn’t you love to hear God say something like what he said about David?

    I have found in David the son of Jesse a man after my heart, who will do all my will. Acts 13:22 ESV

    I love both parts of this verse. I want God to see me as a person after His heart and one who always obeys Him.

    Yet, I fail miserably at being the type of person I long to be.

    We know David didn’t obey God perfectly. He sinned greatly. Among other offenses, he committed adultery and ordered the woman’s husband murdered. Yet God saw a heart that honestly sought after Him.

    How can we obey Jesus’ words in Matthew 22:37 (ESV)?

    You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.

    Most find it challenging to love God with this level of intentionality. But with God’s presence dwelling within us, we can make choices that will help us love Him with our entire being, even when we’re tempted to do otherwise.

    We do this one choice at a time – choice by (sometimes difficult) choice.

    I take comfort in knowing God helps me want to do His will – and constantly works to enable me to stay true to Him (Philippians 2:13). Meditating on God’s Word has kept me from giving up when my constant failures made me want to quit.

    Our heavenly Father’s love for us is a moment-by-moment example of how to love and serve our friends, boss and spouse. And His love for us is our strongest motivation to love Him back.

    It’s my constant prayer for God to shape me into the person He calls me to be. The longer we put our hope and trust in our Redeemer, the more we’ll become the person we want others to see and the person we want to see in ourselves.

    Most importantly, we’ll become the person we want God to see.

    What do you think?

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