I Love Israel for Preschoolers 50% OFF! - Kids in Ministry International

Product Description

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Written by Jody Gafford, KIMI Oklahoma Director
KIMI Representative and graduate of the School of Supernatural Children’s Ministry

This outstanding, creative and thorough curriculum style booklet is one of the most unusual projects we’ve undertaken at Kids in Ministry. We are know for taken topics normally considered for adults only and bringing the down to the level of children. But we have never seen any other such comprehensive curriculum about Israel for Christian children that covers so many important topics and brings them down to such simple levels. Jody has truly done an outstanding job in this curriculum which can be used over and over again. If you believe it’s important to teach children about Israel, then this preschool curriculum is a must! It’s never too young to begin teaching children about important topics like this. This manual can be used in a normal preschool Sunday school class, a vacation Bible school, or even in the home.

37 pages, color,
Paperback $14.95
PDF Download Version $9.95

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One PowerPoint is included with this product.

Table of contents:

0. Leaders Overview
1. Preliminary Activity: Wailing Wall Coloring Sheet
2 . Opening Skit: Who is Israel?
3. God’s Chosen People, The Apple of His Eye
4. Scripture Memory Verse: Psalm 122:6
5. Picture Tour: The Story of the Jewish People
6. Bible story: “Father Abraham Had Many Sons”
7. Song: “Father Abraham Had Many Sons”
8. Craft Time: Building the Wailing Wall
9. Learning the SHEMA
10. Opening the Scroll
11. Snack: Our Seder Experience
12. Game: Hiding the Afikomen
13. We pray for Israel
14. The Shema Song
15. Hints and Helps

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Type of Curriculum

Paperback Book, PDF Download

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